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No. 42. The Hon. the Peemieb to the Agent-Genebal. (Telegram.) AVellington, November 19th, 1878. Fb'isco contract. —Insist four steamers. Table seventy-nine old basis forwarded Contractors. The Agent-General, London. G. Gbey.

No. 43. Messrs. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co., to the Hon. the Postmasteb-Genebal, Wellington. Sic,— Sydney, 27th November, 1878. We have the honor to advise the receipt by us of a letter from Messrs. Williams, Blanchard, and Co., dated 24th October, and to draw your attention to the following extracts therefrom: — " Ec Change in Australian Service — " Dear Sies, —By the present schedule for the Australian Line Service, each steamer on each voyage is detained fifty-six days in port, and four steamers are consequently required to do what can readily be performed by three, and allowing ample time for discharging and receiving cargo at each port, also for docking at Sydney. " This unusual stoppage in port has attracted the notice of our President, who has directed us to make up a schedule for 1879, and forward same to you, showing that the service can be effectually performed by three steamers, fully meeting all the requirements of the trade, with due regard for the transmission ofthe mails on schedule time. " We accordingly enclose with this such a schedule for the coming year, designed for performance hy these vessels, giving sixteen lay days at Sydney, and twelve days here. "The President requests us to solicit your good offices with the Postmasters-General of the two colonies, to obtain their consent to this change in the mail contract. "You can assure tho Postmasiers-General that it is wholly for our interest to make the service as complete and perfect as possible ; also that we feel sure of our ability to perform it on this proposed new schedule. " AYe have practically found that, on the China route, three steamers can perform a monthly service with the most perfect regularity, the timo required for a trip being about the same (twenty-seven days) as on the Sydney route. " The schedule herewith submitted can be moved forward or backward a week, as may be deemed requisite to meet the necessities of the service. "It is intimated that very soon the time by rail between this and New York will be reduced twelve, and possibly twenty-four, hours. This reduction will ensue to the advantage of the Australian route." AYe commend the foregoing for your consideration, and trust that you may enable us to send a favorable reply at an early date. We have, Ac, Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., General Agents for the Contractors, San Francisco Mail Service. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, AVellington.


From San Francisco. From Sydney. Australia. P. M. S. S. Co. Zealandia. P. M. S. S. Co. Zealandia. Australia. Jan. April June Sept. Dec.i 13 7 30 22 15 Feb. May July Oct. 10 5 28 20 March 10 June 2 Aug. 25 Nov. 17 Jan. March June Sept. Dec. 1 26 18 10 3 Jan. April July Oct. 29 23 16 3 Feb. May Aug. Nov. 26 21 13 5