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No. 53. —Borough Council of Onehunga. The petitioners pray for the expenditure of some portion of the tolls collected at the Newmarket Toll-gate within the Borough of Onehunga. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioners have no claim for the expenditure of any portion of the tolls drawn from the Newmarket Toll-gate within the Borough of Onehunga. sth August, 1879.

No. 355 of 1878.—Patrick Brennan and Others. The petitioners pray for some consideration or recompense for Patrick Brennan, as the pioneer and discoverer of the district called and known as "Murray Creek," in the County of Inangahua. I am directed to report that the Committee has agreed to recommend that this petition he referred to the Gold Fields Committee for consideration. sth August, 1879.

No. 9. —William Elias and other Settlers north of Auckland. The petitioners pray for the appointment of an impartial engineer to examine the proposed deviation of the Great North Road, north of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend the Government to comply with the prayer of the petitioners before proceeding further with the North Road. 7th August, 1879.

No. 21.—Edward Nolloth Liffiton. The petitioner prays for compensation for loss in consequence of a rule of procedure in the Supreme Court having been pronounced ultra vires. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the claim of the petitioner be referred to the Government for its favourable consideration. 7th August, 1879.

No. 22. —J. C. Johnstone. The petitioner prays for compensation for loss sustained in consequence of the Maori War in 1863. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner's case is one for the Government to take into consideration and deal with. 7th August, 1879.

No. 25.—Joseph Coates Wallis. The petitioner prays that he may be allowed to make use of a certain land-scrip which has lapsed. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitioner's case to the favourable consideration of the Government. 7th August, 1879.

No. 30. —George Smith. The petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received by him whilst doing duty as a constable. 1 am directed to report that the Committee, having inquired into this case, finds that the Government has made careful inquiry into the petitioner's claim, and dealt with it. The Committee has no recommendation to make to the House. 7th August, 1879.

Nos. 66, 67, 78, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 100, 101, 112, and 121.—George Birch and Others; Thomas Alexander and Others; W. H. Hooper and Others; Alexander B. Todd and Others; Mrs. Borrie and Others; Malcolm McLean aud Others; William Christie and Others; John Porteous and Others; A. M. Finlayson and Others; Robert Heaney and Others; James Hume and Others ; William Renton and Others; and James Cameron and Others. The petitioners pray that the reading of the Bible may be practised in the State Schools established under the Education Act. I am directed to report that, the subject-matter of these petitions being one of public policy, the Committee do not deem it necessary to offer any opinion to the House. 7th August, 1879.

No. 2.— J. H. Campbell. The petitioner prays for compensation for expenses incurred in building a house for himself and family whilst Resident Magistrate at Waiapu.