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No. 44. —Richard James Feltus. The petitioner prays for compensation for loss alleged to have been sustained by him when acting as creditors' trustee in the estate of the late John George Petingale. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make to the House in the case of the petitioner. 29th July, 1879.

Nos. 42 and 52.—Andrew Stevens and Others, and George Anderson and Others. The petitioners pray, in each case, that the reading of the Bible may he practised in the State schools established under the Education Act. I am directed to report that, the subject-matter of the petition being one of public policy, the Committee do not deem it necessary to offer any opinion to the House. 29th July, 1879.

No. 50.—John McDonald and Others. The petitioners pray that certain restrictions may he placed by law upon the immigration of Chiuese into the colony. I am directed to report that, a Bill having been brought in by the Government dealing with the question referred to by the petitioners, the Committee do not deem it necessary to offer any opinion to the House. 29th July, 1879.

No. 11. —W. Colbecke and Others, of Auckland. The petitioners pray for the construction of a trunk line of railway north of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th July, 1879.

Nos. 27 and 46. —Captain Beadon, R.N.—No. 1; and Captain Beadon, R.N.—No. 2. The petitioner prays that "The Land Claims Act, 1878," may be amended, and that an Act may be passed enabling the Government to refer the petitioner's case to arbitration. I am directed to report that, the Committee having fully inquired into the petitioner's case during the session of 1875, and reported its opinion to the House, has no further recommendation to make. 30th July, 1879.

No. 39. —Charles Mack. The petitioner prays for redress for injury sustained in consequence of an alleged unlawful conviction for smuggling. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make to the House iv the petitioner's case. 30th July, 1879.

No. 45. —Bernard Boyham. The petitioner prays for a grant of land, under the land regulations, as a discharged soldier. 1 am directed to report that the Committee, having inquired into the case, find that the petitioner did not comply with the conditions under which land was granted to discharged soldiers ; and they have therefore no recommendation to make to the House. 30th July, 1879.

No. 48. —Robert Sinclair and other Settlers of Kaukapakapa. The petitioners pray for an extension of the railway through Kaukapakapa, in the Auckland Provincial District. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the case of the petitioners is one for the Executive to consider and deal with, and therefore recommends that it be referred to the Government. 30th July, 1879.

No. 34. —Philip Herapath and Others, Chairman and Trustees of the Karangahape, Arch Hill, aud Newton Highway Districts. The petitioners complain of injury caused to their districts by the existence of a toll-gate called the Arch Hill Toll-bar. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Government, with the view of remedying the grievance complained of. sth August, 1879.