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Laid on the Table by the Hon. Sir George Grey, with the Leave of the House.

No. 1. The Hon. Sir G. Grey to the Agent-General. Sir, — Education Department, Wellington, 7th November, 1878. I have the honor to inform you that the General Assembly has voted money for the purpose of providing suitable education and training for the deaf-mutes within the colony, and to request you to be good enough to secure for Government the services of a thoroughly competent instructor who has approved himself to be highly skilled in the art of teaching and training deaf-mutes according to the most recent and approved methods, including the method of communication by means of " articulation." The various important qualifications which such a person ought to possess, and the arrangements necessary to be made, will readily suggest themselves to you, and it is therefore not necessary that I should enter very much into detail respecting them. I may remark, however, that the proposed appointment is of a somewhat exceptional character, and necessitates the making of a special agreement. In the nature of the case the pupils would have to reside in family with tho teacher, and tho nature and extent of the establishment would largely depend upon the number of the pupil inmates : a point respecting which it is at present difficult to form an opinion. In all probability the number of pupil boarders would be small at the outset, and it might be thought advisable that the teacher should receive them as inmates of his own house, although eventually a building, including a master's residence, would no doubt bo provided by the authorities. Subject to such modifications in regard to details as you may find necessary or advisable, tho engagement should embrace such terms as the following:—■ 1. The engagement to be for three years from the date of the teacher's arrival in the colony and his reporting himself to the Government; to be determinable thereafter by six months' notice in writing by cither party, such notice to be given to expire at any time. 2. The teacher to reside in any part of the colony, and to be subject to the control aud supervision of any governing body which tho Government may resolve upon. 3. The teacher to receivo a salary at the rate of about £600, or, if necessary, £700 per annum, and, until free quarters are provided, an allowance at the rate of, say, £150 per annum, in lieu of a residence. 4. The teacher to receivo payment of his actual expenses out to New Zealand. 5. The teacher to receive into his family, as pupil boarders, such deaf-mutes as may be placed under his care and tuition by tho Government, or the other governing body, aud, in consideration of their board, tuition, training, and domestic attendance (including washing), to receive payment as follows: —When the number of pupil inmates is under eight, the sum of, say, £50 each per annum ; when the number is eight and under twelve, the sum of, say, £45 each ; and when the number exceeds twelve, the sum of, say, £40 each. 6. In the event of an arrangement being made by the Government, or the other governing body, for providing and furnishing a building and taking upon itself the boarding of the teachers and pupils, including attendance, washing, &c, a fair and reasonable deduction to be made from the fixed salary agreed to be paid to the teacher, in consideration of the board, attendance, &c, provided for himself and the members of his own family. 7. The other stipulations usually included in such engagements. I am not aware whether any appliances not readily procurable in the colony are necessary for the use of the proposed school; but, if any such arc requisite, you will be good enough to forward what you may deem advisable. I have to request, also, that you would advise me, as soon as you are able, of the appointment of a teacher, tho arrangements you have made with him, and tho probable date of his arrival in the colony. I have, Ac, The Agent-General for New Zealand, London. G. Grey. I—H. 17.