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RETURN No. 2. RETURN of the QUANTITY and VALUE of COAL IMPORTED into and EXPORTED from NEW ZEALAND, for the Year ended 31st December, 1878. COAL IMPORTED.

Countries from whence Imported. Quantity. Value. Tons. £ United Kingdom ... 1,798 2,G45 New South Wales ... 172,254 265,040 Victoria 76 124 Tasmania 20 21 Totals ... 174,148 268,430 Coal Expor1 SB, Countries to which Exported. Quantity. Value. Tons. £ lew South Wales ... 400 400 I 3,913 tons of this coal was f obtained from Greymoutli. rictoria 8,513 2,54.5 iouth Sea Islands ... 8 12 Totals ... 3,921 £2,957 WILLIAM SEED, Secretary and Collector of Customs. Customs Department, Wellington, 27th June, 1879. By Authority: Gxobge Didsbuht, Government Printer, Wellini ion—1879.