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TnuRSDAY, Gm March, 1579. The Commissioners met at half-past 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E, (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., aud Mr. Whitefoord, E.M. Messrs. Franz Max and John Tobien, settlers in Jackson's Bay ; Mr. D. Macfarlane, the Eesident Agent, and the Hon. Mr. Bonar, M.L.C., attended, and were examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Friday, 7th March, 1579. The Commissioners met at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. Whitefoord, E.M. Messrs. Joseph Collycr, Franz Max, Joseph Max, D. Macfarlane (Eesident Agent), Thomas Aaronson, and Annie Max attended the Commission, and were examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Saturday, Bth March, 1879. The Commissioners met at half-past 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. Whitefoord, E.M. The Hon. Mr. Bonar, M.L.C., Messrs. John Tobien, Eudolf Tobien, and D. Macfarlane (Eesident Agent) attended, and were examined. llie Chairman read a telegram from Mr. E. BnrfF, M.11.E., who had been summoned to attend the Commission and give evidence, stating that that gentleman was too ill to travel from Kumara. The Chairman stated that Mr. Barff had been interviewed by himself and Mr. Whitefoord, and that, subsequently to that, a letter had been forwarded to Mr. Barlf requesting him to afford the Commissioners all the information in his power ; and that, not receiving any reply to their communication, the Commissioners sent a telegram ; and that not being answered it was considered necessary to insure Mr. Barff's attendance by means of a subpoena. Mr. BarfE had now sent a written statement on the subject, which the Commissioners would consider. A letter with reference to the Jackson's Bay Special Settlement was read to the Commission from. Mr. Fdmonds. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Monday, 10th March, 1579. The Commissioners met at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. Whitefoord, E.M. Anna Klempel attended the Commission, and gave evidence as to alleged ill-treatment by Constable Barrett at Jackson's Bay. Mr. John Murdoch attended the Commission and was examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Tuesday, 11th March, 1579. The Commissioners met at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M-, and Mr. Whitefoord, E.M. Messrs. John Callery, John Murdoch, Pollock, James Aitken, Bevan ; Mr. Macfarlane, the Hon. Mr. Bonar, M.L.C., and Mr. John Hall, merchant, of Hokitika, attended the Commission, and were examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Saturday, 22nd March, 1879. The Commissioners met at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. W Thitefoord, EM. Messrs. Thomas Fell, Hugh McKinnon, Alexander McArthur, Bartholomew Doherty, Michael Dwan, and John Clarke attended the Commission, and were examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Monday, 24th March, 1879. The Commissioners met at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. "Whitefoord, E.M. Messrs. Thomas Beveredge, Bartholomew Doherty, Patrick Dwan, John Beveridge, John Cronin, John Clarke, Charles Bobinson. George Smith, James Nightingale, and Eobert Crawford attended the Commission, and were examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned.