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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His 'Excellency. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS.

The Commissioners met ou Monday, the 3rd day of March, 1879, at half-past 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the Eesident Magistrate's Courthouse, at Hokitika, in the Provincial District of "Westland, in conformity with the terms of a Commission issued under the hand of His Excellency the Most Honourable the Marquis of Normanby, the Governor of New Zealand. Present : Mr. Bunny, M.H.E,, Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. Whitefoord, E.M. Besolved, That Mr. Bunny be appointed Chairman. Besolved, That Mr. G. W. Jordan be appointed Secretary. Besolved, That the first sitting of the Commission for the transaction of business be held in the Eesident Magistrate's Courthouse, at Hokitika, on Tuesday, the 4th day of March instant, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Ordered, That notice of the sittings of the Commission be advertised in the local newspapers, and that persons who may be interested be invited to attend. Besolved, That a letter be forwarded to Mr. Barff, M.H.E., calling his attention to the sitting of the Commission, and requesting his assistance and advice as to the collection of evidence. Besolved, That the following telegram be forwarded to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, viz.:— " Hokitika, 3rd March, 1879.—Urgent.—"With respect to ' Commissioners Powers Act Amendment Act, 1872,' clause 4, please telegraph general authority to summon and pay witnesses." Then the Commissioners adjourned.

Tuesday, 4th Maech, 1879. The Commissioners met at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Present: Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. "Whitefoord, E.M. Mr. Johu Murdoch, settler, of Jackson's Bay, attended before the Commissioners, and was examined. Messrs. Franz Max and John Tobien appeared before the Commissioners, and handed in letters of complaint. Then the Commissioners adjourned.

"Wednesday, sth March, 1879. The Commissioners met at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Present: Mr. Bunny, M.H.E. (in the chair), Dr. Giles, E.M., and Mr. Whitefoord, K.M. Mr. John Murdoch attended, and Mr. Patten, the Officer in Charge, also, and were examined. Then the Commissioners adjourned. I—H. 9a.