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497. I understand these were received?—W 7hen he handed these papers to me every one of them was in this form. It wa3 then that I recommended him to take them hack to Kaikohe. I now find that what I had done as an act of kindness towards himself and others, he yesterday brought against me as a very serious charge—that I had positively refused to accept those papers; and, moreover, he stated that they were destroyed by him, whereas they are now produced in the office. The Commissioner : I shall re-examine Mr. Sydney Taiwhanga on this particular point. Sydney Taiwhanga re-examined. 498. You are still upon your oath, by virtue of the oath you took yesterday. Are these the papers which you alleged you had broken up and destroyed ? —No. 499. Do you know anything of these papers ? —Yes. 500. Was it, then, in another year that you brought the papers which you stated you had destroyed ?—These were the forms we sent in when our names were placed on the roll, which were afterwards struck off in the year 1865. That was the first time we applied to have our names on the roll, in 1865, because the first members we voted for were Mr. McLeod and Mr. Carleton, in 1870. 501. You were on the roll in 1870?— Yes. 501 a. And you say that these are the papers you sent in by virtue of which you appeared on it?— It depends upon the year in which our names were placed on the roll. 502. You sent in applications by virtue of which you appeared on the roll and exercised your privilege in 1870 ? —Yes. 503. When was your name removed from the roll ?—When I saw that document that I saw yesterday. 504. Give me the year —you must have some sort of memory—give me the year when you were first removed from the roll ? —I saw it in the newspaper. I made a mistake yesterday when I said it was in the Weekly News. It was in the Advocate. 505. When did you see it ? —This last year —1878. I saw that my name had been struck off.— That is why I made a new application. 500. AVas that the second application you had made ? —That was the third. The first time we applied our names were placed on the roll aud we voted for members. 507. Then you found that your names were removed from the roll when ? —ln 1875. I sent in applications to have other names of some of our people placed on the roll. I should like to see the papers. 508. If these are the papers you say you broke up and destroyed you have no right to them, and you cannot get them. Did Tamati AVhakaita's name appear on the roll in 1870 ? —No ; it was in 1876 that I applied to have his name put on the roll. 509. This man's name was not upon the roll when you voted in 1870? —No. 510. AVas Whai Te Hoka's name on the roll in 1870? —That name was not on the roll in 1870. 511. Was Tiopira Kairau's name on the roll in 1870? —I am not quite certain whether his name was on the roll, or whether it was with the new applications. 512. AVas Te Para Kiwa's name ou the roll in 1870 ?—I do not think this man's name was on tho roll. It is a new application. 513. Was Nopere Te Ripi's name on the roll ? —I am not quite certain. If the roll for that year were here I could say who were on and who were not. 514. Was that application made as a new application, or in consequence of the name of the person having been objected to and removed from the roll ? —I am not quite certain. 515. AA Tas he on the roll of 1871 ?—I cannot say. If the roll were hero I could see. I have sent iv applications three times. The first time we voted for Mr. McLeod and Mr. Carleton. The second time we voted for Mr. John AVilliams and Mr. John Lundon. During the interval between tho time we voted for Mr. McLeod and Mr. AVilliams new names were placed on the roll. 516. Was Hori Tapia's name on the roll in 1870 ?—No. 517. AVas Ropata te Nganga's name on the roll in 1870 ? —Yes ; I know that. 518. Was Hone Puriri's name on the roll ? —Yes ; I know that his name was placed on the roll. 519. AVas Hawcra Rae's name on the roll ? —I am in doubt about it. It was subsequently his name was placed on tho roll. 520. Was Te Teira Raimiati's name on the roll ?—I am not certain. I have the same doubts I had in regard to the last one. 521. AVas Piripi Poti's name on the roll?—I have the same doubts about this as I have about the other. 522. W Tith respect to these men who were upon the roll, by what means had the names been taken off it so as to render fresh applications necessary ? Had they been objected to ? How were their names taken off the roll ?—I do not know. 523. How did you know they were off ?—I saw by the newspaper which I read yesterday. 524. That is, the list of objections. Their names could not have been off at that time ? —Well, I thought that they had been struck off, or would be struck off, and therefore I sent innncr applications. 525. Do you remember taking these claims to Mr. Williams ? —lt is correct. 526. And he advised you to correct them ?—That is true. That was in another year. 527. AVhat year was that in ?—ln the year named in the application. 528. As a matter of recollection, what year was it in ?—I think it was in 1875. 529. Is that the year that Honi Mohi presented a number of claims after you ? —I do not know when it was he brought his claims here. I made a mistake yesterday in saying that ho was on his way with the claims to Russell; he was coming to the Revision Couit at the time. The claims had boen brought in previously. 530. You stated yesterday that you presented a number of claims to Mr. Williams, and that ho rejected them ?—Yes.

Mr. Williams.

March 8,1879.

Hirini Taiwhanga,

March 8, 1879.