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238. Have you the new roll, and the names upon it ?—Yes. 239. We will take them iv detail, as you have a personal knowledge of them ?—No. 23 on the new roll is Arama Taniora. 240. You objected to that person ? —Yes. 241. Why ? What was the ground of your objection ?—That he was not a householder or freeholder within the meaning of the Act. 242. What did he claim for ? —He claimed as a householder and freeholder. His qualification on the roll is a householder. 243. Did he occupy the house at all, Mr. Williams ? —I have always known him occupying the house in common with others. 244. Is the house his ?—I could not say whether it was his or not. I have a doubt whether it was his. 245. What sort of a house was it ?—lt is described here as " Kaeo, wooden house in his occupation." 246. What is the size of the house, aud what material is it built of? —I could not say it was his house ; I have my doubts. 247. What sort of a house was it he occupied?— Small. 248. How large ? —Very small. 249. As large as this room ? —lt might be about the size of this room. 250. Fifteen by twelve ?—Yes—about that. 251. Do you know whether other Natives claimed also in respect of this house ? —1 do not think they did. 252. Do you know to whom the house belonged ?—I believe it belonged to his father, properly speaking. 253. Is his father living?— Yes. 254. And residing in the house too ?—I have known him living in the house. 255. Does this man live continuously in the house, or is he only a visitor ? —I do not think he does live continuously in it. They are always moving about to different residences. 256. We will pass on to the next ? —The next is Pera Hakena. 257. What does he claim in respect of?—A house in his occupation, Waionepu. 258. What description of house ? Is it a large house?—No; about the size of this room —the usual size of Maori houses. 259. Does he occupy that by himself, or in common with others ? —Himself and his family. 260. What height are the walls ? I want to have an idea of the kind of house, because I have seen very fine raupo whares occasionally ?—The walls are about four or five feet high—it is a small, low house. 261. Where is this house situated ?—"Waionepu is the name of the locality ; it is at Kaeo, Whangaroa. 262. Will you pass to the next ? —The next is Hakena Taikato, Hakena Pera's son, No. 213 on the roll. He is about sixteen years old. 263. Will you please pass ou to the next ? —The next is Heremaia Hone, No. 292. 264. What is your objection to him ? —He was not a freeholder—he claimed a freehold qualification. 265. How did he describe it ? —A place called Te Paru, 250 acres. This man is since dead. 266. Are you acquainted with this land in respect of which he claimed ?—No ; I know the locality. 267. Is there such a piece of land ?—Oh, yes! 268. Is he one of the grantees of it ?—I believe him to be so. 269. In common with some others ?—Yes. 270. How many others?—l do not know how many: five or six others. 271. What is the value of this piece of land ? —That I could not give you. 272. Will you please pass on to the next ? —The next is Heremaia Papu, No. 294. 273. What does he claim in respect of ?—He is down here, " Ohutai, house in his occupation." I do not know the place. I have always known him as living at a place called Pupuke. 274. Did you make any inquiry whether he occupied the house at the place he named ? —I. made inquiries. 275. And the result led you to believe that he had no such house ? —Yes. I was told that not one of these names had a right. 270. I understood that you were giving this on your personal knowledge. If you were relying on others I shall ask for the names of the persons ? —I am relying partly on my own knowledge. 277. Erom inquiries you made you are satisfied that he had no house at the place he named ? — Yes. 278. And personally you are aware that he generally lived at another place ? —Yes —at Pupuke. 279. What sort of house does he live iv in the place you have knowu him to live?—ln a raupo house. 280. Will you please go on to tho next ? —The next is Raneka Kotoiti. Ido not see him on the roll. 281. It may perhaps be an error in printing in this case ? —I think it must be. 282. You cannot find it on the roll, and you think there must be some printer's error ?—Yes. 283. Will you pass on to the next, please ? —The next is Ripara te Kuri, No. 438 on the roll. 284. What does he claim on account of? —A block of land called Huahuataia, and the house upon it. 285. Can you give the acreage ? —No. 286. Can you give any information as to that block of land ? —No. 287. Do you know the house which he alleges he is iv occupation of?— No. I cannot recall the man to mind, or his name.

Mr. Williams.

March 6, 1879,