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Public Debt of Lake County Council ... ... ... Nil. Reserves and Real Estate of Lake County Council ... ... Nil. Correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor. In the assets I certify the items " Rates uncollected " and " Bank balances" to be correct; in the liabilities the items " Advance by Government" and " Deposits on contracts " are correct; and the item " Contracts " is correct by accepted tenders produced. H. Livingston, Auditor. Auditor's report, addressed to the Chairman, Lake County Council:—"l have only to state that the reservation in my certificate applies to the sum of £50, given as subsidy to Acclimatization Societies for which I find no authority in the Act. H. Livingston, Auditor.

ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of THAMES, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WAIPA COUNTY COUNCIL, from commencement of the Counties Act being in force till the 31st day of March, 1879.

ASSETS. £ s. d. told Fields Revenue ... ... ... 106 8 6 )ffice furniture ... ... ... 200 0 0 lates uncollected ... ... ... 299 7 0 .ash balances, Bank of New Zealand, 31st March, 1879 ... ... ... 7,805 17 11 ialance ... ... ... ... 4,116 0 0 £12,527 14 0 Liabilities. Contracts Deposits on contracts Day-labour Account Advance by Government ... Salaries Unpresented accounts £ s. d. ... 1,415 6 0 82 18 0 ... .872 0 0 ...10,000 0 0 ... 107 10 0 50 0 0 £12,527 14 0

KECEIPTS. £ 8. d. Balance in hand on the 1st April, 1878 ... ... From rates, viz.: — General rate of Is. in the £ on £1,849 19s. 924 19 6 From the Government— £ s. d. Grant of £ for £ on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... 1,727 1 4 Gold Duty and Gold Fields Revenue ... ... 5,865 10 6 Ditto, Borough refund ... 1,644 10 5 Per Paymaster-General ... 6,202 7 0 Out of grant in aid of Native districts ... ... 250 0 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance due to Bank (or to Treasurer), on 1st April, 1878, being amount expended in excess of receipts during former year ... 9,573 18 1 On Public Works, viz. : — £ s. d. New roads, survey and construction ... ... 12,373 0 8 Cemeteries, wharves, and other works ... ... 355 12 6 Existing roads, repairs and improvements— Gold fields tracks ... 130 17 3 Road metal ... ... 383 12 9 County water-race ... 1,667 14 10 Tramways ... ... 114 9 4 United Pumping Association 5,359 17 5 20,385 4 9 On special works, out of special rates or grants — Fencing Native Tapus ... ... 50 0 0 Payments to Borough (gold £ s. d. duty) ... ... 359 8 7 On grants to Road Board— Loan, domestic water supply 692 8 9 Sick and destitute ... 82 8 6 On management— Valuation list ... ... 75 0 0 Salaries ... ... 887 5 0 Travelling expenses ... 345 10 6 Rent ... ... ... 52 0 0 Collection of rates or tolls 92 18 8 Sundries, petty cash, office furniture, and other expenses ... ... 431 8 3 Legal expenses ... ... 81 17 8 Stationery and printing 182 6 0 15,689 9 3 From miscellaneous sources— Publicans' and dog registration fees ... ... 620 7 3 Rent, Moanataiari Tramway 30 0 0 Dues, Thames Water-race 1,731 3 11 Sale of surplus iron ... 300 0 0 Sundry receipts ... ... 7 0 0 2,688 11 2 Overdraft, nt Bank of New Zealand (or amount due to Treasurer) on the 31st March, 1879, being amount expended in excess of receipts ... .,, 14,936 16 4 £34,239 16 3 3,282 11 11 Interest ... ... ... ... 943 1 6 £34,239 16 3 Dated this 30th day of June, 1879, at the offici of the County at Shortland, Thames. Alexander Brodie, Chairman. E. W. Hollis, Clerk.

Receipts. By Subsidy for half-year ending 31st December, 1878 ... „ License fees ,, Poundage, ic. ,, Interest on Coup balance at Bank £ 8. d. 555 4 3 25 0 0 14 0 3 16 0 Expenditure. To Grants to Road Boards „ Prin! ing and advertising „ Valuation rolls ,, Election expenses „ Office expenses, clerk's salary, ic. ,, Postage and stationery „ Electoral rolls „ Conveying rolls to districts Balance iu Bank £ s. d 275 0 C 46 11 _ 14 8 C 30 14 C 11 9 2 12 1 S 2 15 0 IOC 191 4 IC £585 4 3 £585 4 3