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Manaioatu Bridge and Approaches, near Palmerston North. —The contract work of the bridge is completed, but the approaches are still in hand, and include 46 chains of earthwork. Mouloa Swamp: Roads and Brains. —36s chains of main drains have been completed, and 100 chains are now in hand. TJpolcongaro to Mangawhero. —15 miles of roads have been laid off on this line. Rangitikei Bridge (Contracts No. 1 and No. 2). —This work is now completed, and ready for final inspection. Lower Tauherenikau Bridge. —This work has been completed, and the formation of the approaches is being undertaken by the Featherston Highway Board. Main Road, Wairarapa West County. —This road (more particularly the Eimutaka hill and valley section) is becoming very much cut up with the large traffic, and will, require close attention during the winter. The Forty-Mile Bush section has been much improved, and is in good order. Masterlon-Opaki Road. —Above 2\ miles of this have been formed and metalled during the past year; there remains a distance of about 2 miles yet to be finished, but the funds available last year were insufficient to complete it. Reclaimed Land, Wellington. —The whole of the timber breastwork is completed, and of the earthwork there yet remain about 3j acres to be filled in. There has been delay in laying down the permanent drains, owing to the actual position of the street lines not being determined. The fencing intended to be erected at the head of the quarry will shortly be undertaken. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer in Charge, North Island.

.A-DPIPIEIDiTIDIX: TD. ANNUAL REPORT ON MIDDLE ISLAND WORKS BY THE ENGINEER IN CHARGE. The Engineer in Charge, Middle Island, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Dunedin, Ist July, 1878. I have the honor to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress in the Middle Island during the past financial year. In order to facilitate reference I purpose adhering generally to the arrangement of the subject and method of giving information adopted in former reports. EAILWAYS. The following table shows tho lengths of railways authorized and open, together with the expenditure and liabilities, to and on the 30th June, 1878, inclusive of the lines taken over from the Provincial Governments of Canterbury and Otago : —

Name of Eailway. Total Length authorized. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to Liabilities on 30th June, 1878. 30th June, 1878. Middle Island. Nelson-Foxhill Pieton-Blenheim Brunner-Greymouth ... Westport-Ngakawau ... Amberley-W aitaki, with Branches, —- General Government Lines Provincial „ ,, Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches, —■ General Government Lines Provincial ,, ,, Provincial Government Lines finished and opened by General Government ... Winton-Kingston Western Eailways —General Government Lines „ Provincial „ „ M. ch. 20 11 18 32 7 50 19 63 M. ch. 19 10 17 10 7 50 18 70 £ S. d. 117,967 3 7 159.337 0 9 3 63,247 18 8 186,435 8 2 £ s. d. 9,350 12 11 3,485 13 5 17,096 3 8 15,691 4 11 255 28 54 37 255 28 54 37 1,378,831 10 7 731,759 0 0 158,040 12 7 254 71 r 106 12 68 35 225 36 75 41 2,091,045 15 5 312,225 0 0 160,097 11 1 8 79 59 27 228,780 10 6 13,263 12 10 60,297 0 0 8,123 15 9 23,684 7 9 | 37 20 842 39 741 68 5,443,190 6 0 395,576 2 1 The rate at which the several railways in the financial year is as follows, details being given in Tal Middle It >le A heret sland h we been compL ded: — ited during each ;o apper Up to 30th June, 1872. Miles of Railway Opened duri 1872-73. 1873-71. 1874-75. Miles of Railway Opened durinj ■ing ] Financial i 1875-76. Financial year 'ear. .r. 1876-77. 1877-78. Total. Kiddle Island 58 51 22 42 11 11 127 43 243 64 184 04 94 13 741 68