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Rotorua-Tarawera Road (about 10 miles). —The rocks which obstructed this road near Wairoa have been blasted away, the pieces broken and used as metal on the worst portions. It is now in good order for traffic. Maketu-Rotorua Road. —Ordinary bridge and other repairs have kept this road safe for traffic, but the portion between Ohinemutu and Taheke demands attention and considerable improvements to meet the increased requirements of tourists and others : these will probably cost £200. Opotiki-Ohhva Road: Waioeka Bridges. —These were damaged by a flood in November, 1875, and during the last year 230 feet of the larger bridge have been taken to pieces and rebuilt. The repair of the smaller bridge is now in hand: it has been found necessary to lengthen it 52 feet, owing to the washing away of the river-bank; it will now be 120 feet in all. A considerable amount of earthwork has heen executed in making the approaches, &c. Whakatane-Te Teko Road.— 24o chains of embankment have heen made through the swamp containing 33,520 cubic yards of earthwork; also 60 chains of road formation. The timber for the bridges and culverts is now heing carted from the Ohiu bush on the Te Teko and Galatea Eoad. The work is being done under a Native contract. Tauranga-Bast Cape.- —About 12 miles of this road have been maintained by Native contractors. A schoolhouse has been built at Torero, and a Courthouse at Maketu ; and the schoolhouses at Maketn, Whakatane, Omaramufu, and Te Kaha have been repaired and painted under the superintendence of the Public Works overseer. Napier-Tatjpo ; Taupo-Atiamt/ri. This portion of the main line of road is, in the same way as the northern portion, placed under tho charge of a competent overseer, who attends to all necessary repairs and improvements. liaiiohaka-Runanga (45 miles).' —This has been maintained in a fairly efficient state of repair by a party of Armed Constabulary, numbering about twenty, and other skilled labour has been employed in the special work of repairing and reconstructing certain culverts and bridges. Runanga-Atiamuri (57 miles). —The necessary repairs on this have been executed by parties of Armed Constabulary from the Opepe and Taupo Constabulary posts, and the road is in generally fair order. Taupo to Hot Springs (If miles). —A new road, lately opened for traffic, and in good order. A return road forming a circular drive is heing made, and is just about completed. The work has been done by the Armed Constabulary. EAST COAST. Kopua-Norsewood. —This is intended to connect the Kopua Eailway Station with the main trunk road at the settlement of Norsewood. About 3 miles 74 chains have been surveyed and cleared, and, of this, 1 mile 33 chains have been formed and metalled. The work done includes one bridge over tho Manawatu Eiver, consisting of centre span of 50 feet and two side spans of 18 feet each, besides five box-culverts. Waipaoa Cart Bridge. —This structure, the contract for which was described in last year's report as having been let, is now very near completion. A new road has been opened to the site by the local authorities, who, when the bridge is finished, will make the necessary approaches. On a recent visit to the place I found that it would be necessary to protect one bank of the river, against the action of heavy floods : plans for this work are now heing prepared. MANAWATU DISTEICT. Manawatu Gorge Road (viz., from the ferry at the crossing at the Manawatu, below the Gorge, to the bridge in the Gorge, about 4-J- miles, of which Z\ miles lie in Manawatu County, and li miles in the Wairarapa West County). —This road has been well maintained, and the culverts and bridges are in good order throughout. The cost of repairs on the above portions of road will amount respectively to about £185 and £123 annually. Manawatu Gorge Bridge. —This structure has been painted during the last year at a cost of £278 10s., and is now in good condition. WORKS, FOE WHICH PEOVINCIAL APPEOPEIATIONS HAD BEEN MADE. TAKEN OVEE AND CAEEIED OUT BY GENERAL GOVERNMENT. Opaki-Manawatu. —All the metalling contracts, described as being in progress last year, are now finished. Ferries have heen established under Native ferrymen at Manaw ratu Upper Crossing, and at tho Mangatainoko, which so far have heen conducted in a satisfactory manner. Mauriceville Road (2 miles 7383 chains). —The whole of the formation on this road will, it is expected, be completed in about a fortnight or three weeks ; and a contract has been let for three bridges, which are however not yet completed. Rangitumau Road. —All the hush-felling contracts have been completed, and the road has been handed over to the Masterton Highway Board. MangapaJceha Road. —All the contracts reported as being in hand last year have been completed, and the road is in the hands of the Wairarapa East County. Roads North of Peilding. —The whole of the contracts for bush-felling on these lines of road, amounting to 775 chains, have been completed, and the balance of the vote has been expended under the supervision of the Manawatu County Council. Bunnythorpe Road. —The bush has been felled upon the main cross-road from the railway line to Tainui Eiver, and the formation has been completed from the Eangitikei Eoad to the Bunnythorpe Railway Station —a distance of 309 chains of formation and 289 chains of bush-felling.