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No. 9. Mr. S. C. Farr to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Dear Sir, — Christchurch, 18th October, 1877. I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 12th instant, covering papers for our information, for which receive our most sincere thanks. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. S. C. Farr.

No. 10. Mr. W. Arthur to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Dunedin, Ist November, 1877. I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of 11th ultimo, regarding a box of American salmon ova to arrive soon. In reply, I have to state that the Otago Society has given the necessary instructions to Mr. Deans, the curator, to make his preparations for accommodating 50,000 ova in our hatching boxes. I have, (fee., W. Arthur, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Acting Secretary Otago Acclimatisation Society.

No. 11. Mr. Henry Howard to the Under-Secretary. Sir, — Salmon Ponds, Wallacetown, 20th October, 1877. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th instant, informing me of the expected arrival of salmon ova, and to inform you that everything is ready for its reception. I should feel thankful if the Government could give such directions to the railway authorities at Invercargill, as would prevent any unnecessary delay in its transit from Bluff to the Makarewa station. The Under Secretary, I have, &c, Wellington. Henry Howard.

No. 12. The Under-Secretary to Mr. Henry Howard. Sir,— With reference to your letter of the 20th instant, relative to preparations being made for the reception of salmon ova at the Makarewa ponds, I am directed to inform you that the Railway authorities have been instructed to give you everyj facility in the transit of the ova from the Bluff to its destination. You had better place yourself in communication with the Station-master at the Bluff on the subject. I have, &c, G. S. Cooper.

No. 13. The Hon. Mathew Holmes, M.L.C., to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Wellington, November 2, 1877. On behalf of the Oamaru Acclimatisation Society I beg to thank you for the manner in winch you were prepared to meet their application for salmon ova for that district, and am sorry to find that all the shipment now on its way from San Francisco was promised before my application was made. As further shipments are to follow, I now beg to apply for two cases salmon and two cases whitefish ova, out of the first shipment to arrive from America, for the Oamaru Acclimatization Society. 1 may state that suitable provision has been made to receive and hatch the ova, and that Mr. Young (one of the most successful in this line), has undertaken to conduct the experiment. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Mathew Holmes.

No. 14. Mr. J. C. Firth to the Under-Secretary. [Telegram]. — Auckland, November 6th, 1877. I have shipped per Rotorua, sailing this evening, one case of fifty thousand salmon ova to Williams, Napier, with one chest of ice in reserve. Same quantity ova and two chests reserve ice each, to Travers, Wellington, Farr, Christchurch, Perkins, Invercargill, and have wired advice of shipment to each party. Did Greymouth ova arrive? Jl C- FIRTH-

No. 15. Mr. J. C. Firth to the Under-Secretary. Sir,— Auckland, November 20th, 1877. I perceive by your telegram of yesterday that some misapprehension exists as to the quantity and distribution of the salmon ova received by the November mail steamer.