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In the course of our enquiries, however, we were informed that the Colonial Government of New Zealand had already taken up the matter, and were going to import a variety of the ova of Salmonidce, and that a portion was to be forwarded to Otago, Under these circumstances, the Society will gladly await the Government experiment, and give any assistance in its power to secure success, and I have, &c, W. Arthur, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Acting Secretary Otago Acclimatisation Society.

No. 5. [circular.] To the Secretary of Acclimatisation Society. Sir,— I have the honor, by direction of the Colonial Secretary, to inform you that Professor Baird was, on the 28th of July last, requested to be good enough to have the next shipment of salmon ova packed, if possible, in cases containing 50,000 ova each, of which case is intended for your Society. This shipment may be expected to arrive by the next, or at latest, the following San Francisco mail, and I am to request that you will be prepared to receive it immediately on arrival of the steamer at I enclose a copy of the papers which have been laid before Parliament on the subject generally, for the information of your Society. [To Mr. Firth,—] Should it appear to you that any additional expenditure for supplying of ice, or on any other account, is required to insure the chance of success for the shipments to Southern Societies, I am directed to request that you will kindly make such arrangements, and incur such expenditure on behalf of the Government, as may in your judgment appear necessary to attain the object in view. I have, &c. G. S. Cooper.

No. 6. . Mr. J. C. Firth to the Under-Secretary. [Telegram.] Auckland, 2nd November. Preparations for safe distribution of salmon ova completed. Shall send ova boxes and ice chests for Nelson or Greymouth,Wellington and Christchurch per Wanaka. Those for Napier,Dunedin, and Invercargill per Rotorua. Make prior arrangements for forwarding ova for Invercargill from Dunedin if mail arrives to-morrow. I wish to convey to King country and Upper Thames. Pray ask Minister to authorise of running of locomotive to Newcastle on Sunday morning.

No. 7. Mr. Frederick Huddlestone to the Under-Secretary. Sir,— Nelson, 16th October, 1877. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th instant, wherein you inform me that a shipment of 50,000 salmon ova may be expected by the Nelson Acclimatisation Society, by the next, or, at the latest, the following San Francisco mail. In reply, I have to request that you will be good enough to convey the thanks of this Society to the Government, and inform the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, that the ponds will be ready for the reception of the ova before the arrival of the next mail, and every care will be taken to hatch the fish. I have, &c., The Under Secretary, Colonial Secretary's Office, Frederick Huddlestone, Wellington. Hon. Sec. Nelson Acclimatisation Society.

No. 8. Mr. James Payne to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir,— Greymouth, 25th October, 1877. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of date and number as per margin, and to inform you that this Society will have all its hatching boxes and ponds in perfect readiness to receive the salmon ova on its arrival. The boxes have been cleaned from all trout, and are available at any moment. I am further directed by this Society, to request that its claims for portion of the whitefish to arrive, be recognized, and that you will be good enough to put such upon record. This Society acknowledge, with deep gratitude, the attention of the Government in securing salmon ova for it. I have, &c, James Payne, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Hon. Sec. Grey District Acclimatisation Society.