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Eepoet on Petition of W. H. Taipari. The petitioner prays that the recommendation of the Native Affairs Committee on a former petition be given effect to. I am directed to report as follows : — That the Committee do not deem it necessary to make any recommendation in addition to that reported to the House on the 22nd of August last on a former petition of W. H. Taipari. John Bryce, 12th September, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a W. H. Taipari. E tono ana te kai-inoi kia whakamana te Kupu tohutohu a te Komiti mo nga mea Maori mo tetahi Pukapuka-iuoi o mua atu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — Kahore te Komiti i whakaaro he mea whai tikanga kia apititia c ratou tetahi kupu tohutohu ki tera o te 22 o Akuhata kua pahure ake nei, mo tetahi pukapuka-inoi a W. H. Taipari. John Beyce, Hepetema 12, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Hone Paratene and Others (No. 1). The petitioners object to " The Native Land Court Bill, 1877," and think that, at any rate, it should not be allowed to apply to the South Island, because dealings there with Native land have, as a rule, been satisfactory. I am directed to report as follows: — That, the subject-matter of this petition having been considered by the House, and the Bill in question withdrawn, the Committee do not think it necessary to report specifically on the merits of the various matters referred to by the petitioners. But the Committee are of opinion that, iv view of future legislation on the subject of Native lands, the opinions expressed in this and other petitions of a similar character deserve the careful consideration of the House and the Government. John Bryce, 12th September, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Hone Paratene me etahi atu (Nama 1.) E whakahe ana nga kai-inoi kite Pire Kooti Whenua Maori, 1877, a c mea ana ratou kia kaua c whai mana ki Te Waipounamu notemea c marama ana te whakahaeretanga o nga whakariteritenga mo nga whenua Maori o reira. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare: — Kua oti te whiriwhiri te putake o tenei pukapuka-inoi c te Whare, a kua unuhia taua Ture, koia c kore ai te Komiti c whakaaro kia whai kupu ratou mo nga tikanga o nga mea c whakahuatia ana i roto i taua pukapuka-inoi. Engari c mahara ana te Komiti notemea era ano c hanga he Ture mo nga Whenua Maori, me ata whiriwhiri marire c te Whare, c te Kawanatanga hoki nga whakaaro c whakahuatia ana i roto i tenei me etahi atu pukapuka-inoi c rite ana ki tenei. John Bryce, Hepetema 12, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Ema Katipa. Petitioner states that her husband and brothers were Natives loyal to the Queeu, and that, in November, 1868, they were surprised and murdered by Te Kooti; and she further alleges that lands to which the murdered men and petitioner had a title have been taken by deed of cession to which sho was not asked to be a party. That, in consequence thereof, she has suffered a loss estimated at £500, and prays for relief. I am directed to report at follows:— That the Committee recommend that inquiry be made into the matter referred to in the petition, and that, should the statements made by the petitioner be found to be correct, redress of the grievance complained of ought to be afforded. John Bryce, 12th September, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Ema Katipa. E ki ana te kai-inoi he tangata piri pono kite Kuini tona tane me tona tungane a i te marama o Nowema, 1868, i kohurutia ohoreretia ratou c Te Kooti a c ki ana hoki te kai-inoi ko etahi whenua i whai take tahi ai nga tangata i kohurutia ra me ia hoki kua tangohia i runga i te mana o tetahi Pukapuka Tuku kihai nei i tonoa kia whakaaetia c ia. Na i runga i taua mea c rite ana kite £500 te tikanga o te ngaronga o tona whai rawatanga a c tono ana ia kia whakaritea tona mate. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : —•