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Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — Kua oti te whiriwhiri te putake o tenei pukapuka-inoi c te Whare, a kua unuhia taua Ture, koia c kore ai te Komiti c whakaaro kia whai kupu ratou mo nga tikanga o nga mea c whakahuatia ana i roto i taua pukapuka-inoi. Engari c mahara ana te Komiti notemea era ano c hanga he Ture mo nga Whenua Maori me ata whiriwhiri marire c te Whare, c te Kawanatanga hoki nga whakaaro c whakahuatia ana i roto i tenei me etahi atu pukapuka-inoi c rite ana ki tenei. John Bryce, Akuhata 30,1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Pairama Ngutahi and Others. The petitioners pray that a license to sell spirits may be granted to Mihaka Mahoare (a principal chief of Kaipara), under the Sale of Spirits Act. I am directed to report as follows : — That the Committee are of opinion that this is a matter in which the House ought not to interfere, and cannot therefore recommend the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the House. John Bryce, 30th August, 1877. Chairman,

[Translation.] Ko te kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Pairama Ngutahi ma. E tono ana nga kai-inoi whakaaetia he raihana hoko waipiro ki a mihaka makoare (he tiho rangatira no Kaipara) i runga i te Ture hoko waipiro. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare: — E whakaaro ana te Komiti ehara tenei i te mea c uru ai te koia i kore ai ratou c kaha kite tohutohu atu kia whiriwhiria paita c te Whare te inoi i roto i te pukapuka-inoi. John Bryce, Akuhata 30, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Maihi P. Kawiti and 269 Others. (Presented iv 1876.) This is a petition presented last session. Petitioners urge several objections to the Native Lands Bill introduced during the last session, but afterwards withdrawn. They assert that it is even worse than the Native Lauds Acts of 1873 and 1874, and that death would be better than life if such torture is to continue. That, while objecting to the proposed new law, they also earnestly pray for the repeal of the laws of 1873 and 1874. I am directed to report as follows : — That, inasmuch as the circumstances which produced the complaints of the petition have considerably altered, the Committee do not deem it necessary to report a specific opinion thereon. John Bryce, 4th September, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Maihi P. Kawiti me ona hoa c 269. (No te tau 1876 i tukua mai ai.) Ko tenei Pukapuka-inoi no tera tau i tukua mai ai. Ko nga kupu o roto he whakahe kite Pire Whenua Maori i whakatakotoria ki roto kite Whare i tera nohoanga o te Eunanga, engari i unuhia ki waho i muri iho. E mea ana ratou he kino atu i nga Ture Whenua Maori o te 1873-1874 hoki a pai atu te mate i te ora mehemea ka waiho tonu tenei mamae nui ki runga i a ratou. A ahakoa tono ratou kia whakakorea te ture hove tino inoi ana ratou kia whakakorea nga Ture o te 1873 o te 1874 hoki. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare: — Notemea kua rere ke nga tikanga o naianei i nga tikanga i puta ai nga kupu whakahe i roto i te pukapuka-inoi kahore i whakaaro te Komiti he mea whai tikanga kia whai kupu mo taua mea. John Bryce, Hepetema 4, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of MereMana Konui. Petitioner states that his name was omitted from the certificate of title to the Te Puninga Block, although he was a large owner thereof; that it was owing to ignorance on the part of the Maoris that his claim was not established to the satisfaction of the Court which investigated the title iv March last; and h- prays for a rehearing in order that his name may be inserted in the grant. 1 am directed to report as follows:— That, in the opinion of this Committee, the matters referred to in this petition ought to be inquired into by the Government, and, should the allegations of the petitioner be proved to be correct, that means of relief should be afforded. John Bryce, sth September, 1877. Chairman. 3—l. 3.