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EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. MEETING No. I.—24th JULY, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. The Chairman was requested to write to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary for papers a paid secretary and as to provision for expenses. ' MEETING No. 2.—3ed JULY, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Adjourned. MEETING No, 3.—4th AUGUST, 1575. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. It was resolved to request Government to give immediate publicity to the appointment of the ■Commssion and to make arrangements for frankiug letters. Eegulations agreed to and ordered to be printed. MEETING No. 4.—llth AUGUST, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Eesolved that further powers of sending letters, etc., be applied for, and that the Hon. the Colonial Secretary be asked to place the sum of £3,500 on the estimates for expenses of Commission Kesolved that 1500 copies of the regulations bo sent to the local conmittees, and that they be asked to send in estimates of expenses ; that telegrams be sent to the Deputy-Superintendents of provinces asking if local committees had been appointed ; that the regulations be printed in the Gazette • that the Colonial Secretary be requested to write to the Ageut-General as to the remaining Vienna Exhibit.on exhibits being available for the Philadelphia Exhibition ; that Dr. Hector be requested to select from these : and that the manager of the Bank of New Zealand be requested to be present at next meeting. L MEETING No. s.—l4th AUGUST, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Mr. Tolhurst, manager of the Bank of New Zealand, was in attendance and expressed his willingness to assist the Commission. Eesolved that in order to obtain larger specimens of -old than were sent to the Vienna Exhibition, Mr. Tollhurst be requested to lay out £400 in purchasing gold as soon as the funds asked for had been voted; that the detailed estimate of expenses be sent to the Colonial Secretary, exclusive of clerical, collecting and transport expenses ; that letters be written urging the formation of Local Committees where not already formed : that the Colonial Secretary be written to, suggesting that Dr. Hector's services be retained as agent for the colony at Philadelphia. MEETING No. 6.—l9th AUGUST. 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Mr. Levin placed his store at the disposal of the Commissioners for storage of packages for the Exhibition. Eesolved that a telegram be sent to the Canterbury committee asking opinion as to altering the regulations as to wool; ordered that chairmen of local committees be informed that they can write and telegraph to the chairman free of expense. MEETING No. 7.—2oth AUGUST, 1875. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Adjourned. MEETING No. S.—2lsx AUGUST, 1575. The Hon. Mr. Mantell in the Chair. Eesolved that special samples of wool and grain will be received up to the date of sailing of the January mail steamer. ° 2.—H. 23.