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that amount is very much reduced, when the value of the gold sold and returned to the colony and of returned show cases—altogether £737—is deducted. It thus appears that the actual cost of the Exhibition was under £2,000. In addition to articles collected in the colony the Colonial Secretary was requested to write to the A<*ent-General to ascertain if any of the collections which were exhibited at Vienna would be available for exhibition at Philadelphia. This was done, and Dr. Hector was asked to select what he thought fat. In September the Colonial Secretary informed the Commissioners that, in accordance with their su""-estion, Dr. Hector had been written to desiring him to uudertake the duties of Special Commissioner to the Exhibition. It was found necessary to send an agent in charge of the exhibits, and the Secretary was sent, leaving on the 14th January and arriving at San Francisco on the 13th February, the exhibits not reaching the Exhibition until the 23rd March, 1876. \ list was sent Home at as early a date as possible, and, after the list of articles collected by Dr. Hector in London had been incorporated with it, was forwarded to the British Commissioners for insertion in their catalogue, and appeared in the first edition, of which 10,000 copies were circulated in further particulars respecting the management and result of the Exhibition the Commissioners beg to refer to the Keport of the Special Commissioner herewith enclosed. D. Mclnttee, James Hectoh, W. GISBOBNE.
