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No. 3. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. (No. 59.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 12th December, 1876. I have the honor to bring under your Lordship's notice a memorandum which has been handed to me by my Government, in which they express their hope tbat Her Majesty's Government may be induced to establish a depot of food and clothing at the Crozet Islands for the use of any persons who may be unfortunately wrecked there. 2. The recent loss of the " Strathmore," together with the fearful sufferings experienced by the crew and passengers who succeeded in reaching the shore, has naturally attracted much attention to these islands, which, from their position in the direct course of ships trading to New Zealand and Australia, are a constant source of danger to vessels employed in that trade; and, in view of the largely increased and still increasing trade between England and these colonies, it would seem desirable, now that attention has been so unfortunately drawn to the subject, to take some steps which would at any rate alleviate the sufferings of any persons who may in future unfortunately be wrecked upon them. Tbe cost of establishing such a dep6t as that proposed could not be large, while it may be the means of saving many valuable lives. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. NORMANBY.

Enclosure in No. 3. Memorandum for His Excellency. (No. 20-1876.) The Chamber of Commerce at Christchurch recently drew attention to the privations and sufferings of the survivors from the wreck of the " Strathmore," on the Crozet Islands, and suggested that the Home authorities should be urged to place thereon a supply of food and clothing for the relief of castaways. As these dangerous islets lie in the track of vessels making the voyage from Europe to Australia and New Zealand, there can be no question as to the desirability of taking the precaution to prevent any persons, who may hereafter be unfortunately cast ashore there, from encountering sufferings such as those to which the survivors from the " Strathmore " were exposed. The Government therefore beg that His Excellency will represent this matter for the favourable consideration of the Home Government. , It appears, from correspondence between tho Lords of the Admiralty and the Committee of Lloyd's, with respect to Her Majesty's ships calling at the islands between the Cape of Good Hope and Australia for the purpose of rescuing persons who may be shipwrecked upon any of them (a copy of which correspondence was laid before the House of Commons, and printed), that my Lords decided to give orders that Her Majesty's ships proceeding from the Cape of Good Hope to Australia shall in future, when possible, pass the Crozets sufficiently near to examine them. The Government venture to express the hope that, on the representations made herein being conveyed to the Lords of the Admiralty, they will see fit to supplement the instructions they have already given, by directing that a supply of food and clothing shall be landed on the Islands as promptly as possible from one of Her Majesty's ships ; and that, whenever the group is subsequently visited, the depot shall be inspected, and tho supply renewed as far as may be necessary. Wellington, 11th November, 1876. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. (No. 61.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 14th December, 1876. I have the honor to inform your Lordship that Sir Donald McLean has resigned his office as Native Minister, and has netired from the Government. 2. I have been for some time aware that Sir Donald McLean has been anxious to be relieved from the duties and responsibilities of office as soon as his services could be dispensed with without detriment to the public service, but I regret to say that his immediate retirement has been precipitated by indisposition, though not, I trust, of a permanent character.