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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby to the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. (No. 54.) Government House, "Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 15th November, 1876. I bave the honor to inform your Lordship that, Parliament having been prorogued on the 31st ultimo, the Abolition of Provinces Act came into force on the following day, and the transfer of the provincial establishments to the General Government has taken place without any difficulty. 2. Steps bave been taken to secure the election of the new County Boards with as little delay as possible, and I trust that by the end of the year they may be in working order. 3. Erom the hurry with which the Act had to be passed through Parliament at the close of the session, I think it is more tban probable that it Avill be found necessary to make some changes and alterations in it during the next session of Parliament. It will, however, I trust, be found to furnish a sufficient system of local self-government to meet all necessary requirements until Parliament meets again; when any defects that may be discovered in the actual working of the system can be corrected. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. NORMANBY.

No. 2. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor the Most Hon. tbe Marquis of Normanby to tbe Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. (No. 58.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord, — New Zealand, 11th December, 1876. I am happy to inform your Lordship that everything connected with the abolition of the provinces continues to progress most satisfactorily, and nowhere has there been the slightest opposition or difficulty of any kind. 2. All the arrangements have been made for the election of tbe members of the new County Boards, and the elections will take place throughout the colony in the course of a few days. The whole will be completed by the close of the year, and I trust that the new system will be in working order by the Ist January next. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. NORMANBY. I—A. 1.