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1875. Ce. £ a. d. March 19. Sundry subscribers, discount at 5 per cent, on payments made in full this day, on £51,000 scrip, as per contra ... ... «... 423 5 7 „ 20. Ditto £4,300 ditto ditto 35 4 3 „ 22. Ditto 13,900 ditto ditto 110 15 9 „ 23. Ditto 7,700 ditto ditto 60 12 3 „ 24. Ditto 5,200 ditto ditto 40 6 7 „ 25. Ditto 4,900 ditto ditto 37 10 0 „ 27. Ditto 5,900 ditto ditto 43 16 11 „ 30. Ditto 56,500 ditto ditto 400 17 9 „ 31. Ditto 6,000 ditto ditto 41 17 6 April 1. Ditto 24,200 ditto ditto 166 2 5 „ 2. Ditto 10,100 ditto ditto 68 8 3 „ 3. Ditto 4,600 ditto ditto 30 13 3 „ 5. Ditto 1,200 ditto ditto 7 14 8 £1,467 5 2 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,143,060 19 10 £2,144,528 5 0 London, 6th April, 1875. W. C. Sargea'tot, \ Loan AScnts-

No. 4. The Hon. Sir J. Vogel to the Hon. the Acting Colonial Treasurer. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 6th April, 1875. In continuation of my letter (No. 39.) of 18th March, I have the honor to forward to you copy of further correspondence respecting the recent loan negotiations. 2. I do not send to you a copy of the letter of 19th March, to which I refer in mine of 25th March, because I presume that the original has been forwarded to the colony, and that you will be able to obtain it from the Colonial Secretary's Department; but a copy of the covering letter to me is appended hereto. 3. A copy of the letter of Sir P. G. Julyan, covering the draft report and the copy of a signed document, upon which I commented in mine of 18th March, was not sent to you by the last mail, because I was not then aware how far I was entitled to regard it as other than private ; but, as you will see, all difficulty upon that point has now been removed. I have, &c, The Hon. the Acting Colonial Treasurer, New Zealand. Julius Vogel.

See enclosures in loan Agents'

letter below.

No. 5. The Loan Agents to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sib, — London, 16th April, 1875. Adverting to our letter of the 19th ultimo, we have the honor to transmit to you, for the information of the Government of New Zealand, copy of correspondence which has passed between Mr. Vogel and ourselves respecting recent negotiations for the disposal of the Four Million Loan. We regret the necessity which has rendered it necessary for us to trouble the Goverument of New Zealand with this correspondence. We have, &c, P. G. Julyan. I. E. Featiikrston. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand. W. C. Sargeaunt.

Enclosure 1 in No. 5. Sir P. G. Julyan to the Hon. Sir J. Vogel. Mt Dear Sir,— Spring Gardens, 17th March, 1875. After conferring together as to what form of report should be made to the Government of New Zealand on our late negotiation of the Four Million Loan, Featherston, Sargeaunt, and myself have agreed as to what we consider will fairly represent the facts, and we have drafted the enclosed report, which we shall be glad to learn you are prepared to unite with us in signing. We felt that it was due to you that we should abstain from giving expression in this report to views upon which, as you are fully aware, material differences of opinion existed, and we have therefore thought it advisable to place those views on record in a supplementary letter, of which a copy is also enclosed, and in which we shall only be too glad to learn that you can see your way to join. Be good enough to return the draft, with any observations you may have to make on it, at your early convenience; or if you prefer a personal conference with your co-Agents on the subject, I am sure they will be willing to meet your wishes in the matter at any hour you may name. I have, &c, The Hon. Sir J. Vogel. P. G. Julyan.