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Indemnity Bill.

recommend the House to pass the Bill, but that further evidence must be taken on the subject, in order that the Committee may state their opinion to the House in a future report, as further legislation may be required on the subject; and that an interim report be furnished to the House embodying this resolution. The Committee adjourned till Monday next, at 12 noon.

Monday, 9th August, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. T. Kelly, Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, • Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. W. W. Johnston, The copy of the interim report was produced. •' Mr. J. E. FitzGerald, one of the Commissioners of Audit, attended the Committee. The witness proposed that a certain question should be put to him, in order that a written answer which he had prepared might be put in. Witness withdrew. Committee deliberated. Agreed, That it be recorded that the Chairman put the question at^the request of the witness. Witness called in. ~... : . Question put and answer taken. Ordered, That Mr. James Edward FitzGerald be summoned to attend the next meeting. The Committee adjourned until to-morrow, at 12 noon.

Indemnity Bill.

Tuesday, 10th August, 1875. Members Present : Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. W. W. Johnston, The order of reference dated the sth August, 1875, was read. Mr. J. E. FitzGerald, Commissioner of Audit, attended, and was examined. Ordered, That Mr. J. E. FitzGerald be summoned to give evidence at the next meeting. The Committee adjourned until Thursday next, at 12 noon.

Indemnity Bill.

Thursday, 12th August, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the chair. Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard. Mr. W. W. Johnston, Mr. J. E. FitzGerald, Commissioner of Audit, attended, and gave evidence. Ordered, That the minutes of the evidence taken be printed. The Committee adjourned until Monday next, at 12 noon.

Indemnity Bill,

Monday, 16th August, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. T. Kelly, Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. James Edward FitzGerald, Commissioner of Audit, attended, and proceeded to give further evidence. Resolved, That the Committee adjourn until to-morrow, at 12 noon, and, pending the receipt of the print of the evidence already taken, take under consideration the circumstances under which the cost of the Mangere Bridge was debited against the vote for Roads and Works North of Auckland ; and that Messrs. J. Sheehan and M. O'Rorke, M.H.R.'s, and the Hon. E. Richardson, Minister for Public Works, be requested to attend the Committee on that day.

Indemnity Bill.

Mangere Bridge,