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TnuRSDAY, 29th July, 1875. Members Present: Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Sir F. D.' Bell, Mr. T. Kelly, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Mr. Reader Wood. The two orders of reference, dated the 21st and 27th July, 1875, having been read, Mr. Reader Wood took the chair. Resolved, That this Committee stand adjourned until Monday next, the 2nd day of August, at 12 noon. Ordered, That Mr. C. T. Batkin, the Secretary to the Treasury, and Mr. J. E. FitzGerald, one of the Commissioners of Audit, be summoned to attend this Committee on that day.

Indemnity Bill. 5 E

Monday, 2nd August, 1875. Members Present: Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. T. Kelly, Sir F. D.' Bell, Mr. J. Shephard, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Hon. E. W. Stafford. On the motion of Sir F. D. Bell, the Hon. E. W. Stafford took the chair, in the absence of the Indemnity Bill. Chairman. Mr. James Edward FitzGerald, a Commissioner of Audit, and Mr. C. T. Batkin, Secretary to the Treasury, attended the Committee. The correspondence between the Commissioners of Audit and the Hon. the Minister for Immigration relative to the over-expenditure of the Immigration Vote, laid before the House on the 27th July, 1875, was put in and read. (See Appendix to evidence, Indemnity Bill No. 1.) The Secretary to the Treasury was examined. Ordered, That Mr. FitzGerald and Mr. Batkin be summoned to attend the Committee to-morrow. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow, at 12 noon.

Tuesday, 3rd August, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Curtis, Mr. J. Shephard, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. T. Kelly, Mr. C. T. Batkin, Secretary to the Treasury, and Mr. J. E. FitzGerald, one of the Commis- indemnity Bill, sioners of Audit, attended the Committee. The examination of Mr. C. T. Batkin was continued. Ordered, That Mr. J. E. FitzGerald and Mr. C. T. Batkin be summoned to attend the Committee next meeting. The Committee adjourned till 12 noon to-morrow.

Wednesday, 4th August, 1875. Members Present: Mr. Reader Wood in the Chair. Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. T. Kelly, Sir F. D. Bell, Mr. J. Shephard, Hon. W. Fitzherbert, Hon. E. W. Stafford. Mr. W. W. Johnston, Mr. J. E. FitzGerald, one of the Commissioners of Audit, and Mr. C. T. Batkin, the Secretary Indemnity Bill, to the Treasury, attended the Committee. The order of reference dated 29th July, 1875, having been read, it was agreed, That it is advisable to first complete the matter now under the consideration of tho Committee before commencing the business set out in the order. The Secretary to the Treasury was further examined. The witness laid on the table a certain memorandum. (See Appendix to evidence, Indemnity Bill No. 2.) Resolved, That this Committee, having taken a certain amount of evidence in reference to the Bill which has been referred to them, have come to the conclusion that the only course to adopt is to