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No. 13. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. (Extracted from the Annual Report for 1874, of the Board of Land and Works, on Victorian Railways.) COMPARATIVE YEARLY STATMENT of Miles of Line Open, Cost of Construction, Rolling Stock Employed, Gross and Net Revenue, Working Charges, and Percentages of the same to Gross Revenue, &c., on the Victorian Railways, for Six and a half Years, from 1st January, 1868, to 30th June, 1874.

CONSTRUCTION. Rolling Stock. c E -6 9 Gboss Receipts. Maintenance. LOCOMOTIVE. Traffic. General. Total Wobking Cost. Nkt Eabhth'GS. 1 a d 1 ft & Year. d o 5 M 3 B - — -. a, u 1 P ■r. i o w d d o as a Oh O fa Is. O O z d o to - a O O a i o o la pEj 3 fa fa 'J d « ~r o w b3 S c au id 1 On 0-^ ■ «. -it J_ •_ ■ O 8 d 1 1 o o O- 1^ o fa fa 4a E o fa 0d d o d* P. o - a fa E 00* 1 9 d el 9 o 1 O § O £ e £ £ £ £ s. d. £ £ I * I £ s. d. £ £ j £ 8. d. 1868 264 , 9,130,652 , 9,184,473 , 9,323,340 I 9,537,120 110,034,772 110,815,868 11,657,484 i 69,583,709 > 9,940,529 35,917 44 33 147 1,246 913,327 ■ 433,470 226,208 355,195 581,403 2,289 1,138,128 10 2-60 62,698 10-78 103,307 17-77 | 102,637 17-65 14,335 2-46 282,977 48'66 4 11-66 1,114 298,426 1,175 I 6 2-94 3-27 1869 feft 36,159 44 33 143 1,320 1,028,497 490,816 230,949 386,620 617,569 2,431 1,158,827 10 7-90 50,791 8-23 86,602 1402 ] 101,907 I 16-50 14,044 2-27 253,344 41-02 4 4'46 997 364,225 1,434 6 3-44 3-96 1870 254 30,706 44 33 143 1,379 1,192,474 461,466 209,222 357,795 567,017 2,232 1,116,218 10 1-91 53,552 9'45 84,323 14-87 104,769 I 1848 13,964 2-46 256,608 45-26 4 7-17 1,010 310,409 1,222 6 6-74 3-33 6 714 3-12 6 118 3-57 •1871 Ml 30,823 - 39 143 1,462 664,256 237,622 102,381 173,832 276,213 1,067 630,326 10 500 28,727 10-40 40,218 1456 51,710 18 72 7,194 260 127,849 46-28 4 9-86 494 148,364 673 1871-72 ill 32,060 ■ 41 144 1,564 1,608,671 489,126 236,671 400,961 037,632 ] 2,037 1,173,434 10 10-41 •9,180 10-85 85,739 13-45 110,843 17-38 : 14042 2-20 279,804 43 88 4 9 23 894 357,828 } 1,143 tl872-73 Ml 30,128 61 43 145 1,644 1,720,815 569,871 260,756 442,972 703,728 t2,10l| 11,354,131 10 4-72 72,083 10-25 97,822 13-90 132,594 | 18-84 18,792 18 95 16,593 126 52 98,964 267 321,291 45-66 4 8-94 J959 382,437 J1.142 I 6 7-78 3-541 §1873-74 441 26,207 52 01 160 1,772 2,039,030 662,980 302,609 648,133 851,042 $2,056] [1,667,124 10 2-52 | 74,999 8-31 121,878 1432 I ||161,245 195 374,715 4403 4 5'94 $905 476,327 1 JU51 6 8-57 412 40 5-79 24-91 ■ ' Totals... 213; 234,030 330 276 1025 10,286 9,097,070 1,399,550 3,345,351 1,569,096 I 2,665,508 J 410,078 4,234,604 14,213 651,477 2,186 8,138,188 72 11-06 \ 412,030 68-77 619,889 102-89 | 765,705 1661 1,896,588 I I I 314-79 I I 32 9-26 I 6,373 2,338,016 7,840 Average 30; 32,592 •17 39 146; 1,483 514,669 ' 241,399 1,252,029 10 500 63,386 9-82 95,367 14 69 117,800 1807 15,225 237 291,782 44-97 4 8-18 980 359,694 1,206 5 9-39 3-55 • Six months only. . t Average length open during the year, 335 miles. § Average length open during the year, 414 miles. J Calculated on the average length open. || Includes repairs and renewals of carriages and wagons. Kailway Dep, lartment, 30th November, 1874. John Steavensott, Secretary. G-eo. T. A. Latateb, Accountant.