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DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1872-73, in detail— a mtinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS; CLASS IV.-POSTAL. LIABILITIES OF 1871-72. KESEBVE ACCOUNT :— Vote No. 25, — General Post Office, — Contingencies ... Vote No. 26,— conveyanck of mails by sea, — Intercolonial Services .,. ... ... £284 9 7 Interprovincial Services ... ... ... 225 5 5 Travelling Allowance and Advertising ... 24 18 3 5 16 0 534 13 3 Vote No. 27, — Conveyance of Hails by Sea, — Services of A.S.N. Co., connecting at Auckland with San Francisco Mail Steamers ... £187 11 11 Salaries of Mail Agents ... ... ... 56 5 0 243 16 11 Vote No. 28, — Auckland, — Fuel, &c. 6 2 9 Vote No. 31, — Hawke's Bay,— Salaries of Country Postmasters, 1 Sept., 1871, to 30 June, 1872 119 5 0 Vote No. 32, — Nelson, — Gratuities and Contingencies, &c. 31 14 6 Vote No. 33, — Haeleorough,— Salary of Country Postmaster, &c. 9 10 0 Vote No. 35, — Westland, — Travelling Allowances, &c. 38 3 9 Vote No. 37, — Conveyance of Inland Mails, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £47 19 0 Tabanaki ... ... ... ... 7 10 0 Hawke's Bay... ... ... ... 78 17 6 Nelson ... ... ... ... 36 5 0 Maelborougii... ... ... ... 10 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 12 10 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 130 4 7 Vote No. 38,— Telegraph Department,— Clerical Assistance and Contingencies 314 fl 1 37 16 7 Vote No. 39, — Telegbapii Stations and Lixes, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £153 10 5 Tabanaki ... ... ... ... 17 2 8 Wellington ... ... ... ... 160 9 4 Hawke's Bay... ... ... ... 11 18 4 Nelson ... ... ... ... 22 0 8 Maklbokougii... ... ... ... 105 3 7 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 139 '9 3 Westland ... ... ... ... 19 11 6 Otago ... ... ... ... 210 13 5 839 18 9 VOTE No. 1 of 1872-73 :— Item 21,— Postal and Telegram Services, — Postal,— General Post Office ... ... ... £60 0 5 Conveyance of Mails by Sea ... ... Gl 7 0 San Francisco Mail Service ... ... 208 16 5 2,181 3 7 Carried forward ... £330 3 10 £330 3 10 2,181 37