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DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1872-73, :n detail — o mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ ». d. £ •. d. Law and Justice— continued. 38,012 16 6 3,248 1 8 TOTE No. 25:- Brought forward coeonkes, — Auckland Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bat ... Nelson Mablbobough ... Cantebbuey Westland Otago 417 1 6 20 5 0 113 18 0 28 8 0 185 13 0 47 4 O 233 0 6 157 16 6 428 9 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,631 16 O 131 16 0 VOTE No. 2G: — Lunatics Act, — Auckland Tabanaki Wellington Nelson Maklbobotjgh ... Cantekbuet Westland Otago 1,500 0 0 110 5 0 15 3 O 14 14 0 7 7 0 9 4 0 99 15 0 51 9 0 106 1 0 • 413 18 0 VOTE No. 27:— Jueies Act, — Auckland Tabanaki Wellington Hawke'8 Bat ... Nelson Mablbobottgh ... Canteebubt Westland Otago 157 8 0 19 1 0 62 10 0 49 5 0 99 2 0 18 15 0 166 12 0 91 0 0 222 10 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 886 3 0 86 3 0 VOTE No. 28:— Attoenky-Geneeal,— Salary, 1 July, 1872, to 30 June, 1873 800 O 0 200 0 0 SUPPLEMENTARY :— expenditube in excess op apreopeiations,— Vote No. 19,— supkehe couet, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £7,700 1 4 Amount of Vote ... £7,406 0 0 Credit (see page 14) ... 1 2 11 7,407 2 11 Votb No. 20,— DlSTEICT COUETS, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £4,096 9 0 Amount of Vote ... ... ... 3,770 0 0 292 18 5 Vote No. 24, — Justices of tiie Peace Act, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £935 13 2 Amount, of Vote ... £200 0 0 Credit (see page 14) ... 5 10 205 1 0 326 9 0 730 12 2 Vote No. 25, — coeonees, Expenditure... ... ... ... £1,631 16 0 Amount of Vote ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 131 16 0 Vote No. 27,— JUEOES, Expenditure... ... ... . v £886 3 0 Amount of Voto ... ... ... 800 0 0 86 3 0 Total Financial Yeae 1872-73 ... 1,567 18 7 42,494 13 1 Total Class III. £45,742 14 9