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For Details see Page £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. LIABILITIES OP 1871-72. CIVIL LIST. 16 Fiest Divisiok:— Establishment of General Government ... 333 6 8 16 Sbcond Division:— Native Purposes 445 5 1 778 11 9 PERMANENT CHARGES. r 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Interest and Sinking Fund : — " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 " " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 " " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65 " " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869 " " Public Debts Act, 1867 " " Temporary Loan Act, 1870 "... " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 " ... " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 " " Wellington Debts Act, 1871" " Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2 " ■ 12,750 0 0 931 0 0 14,760 0 0 66,826 10 0 2,370 0 0 698 5 0 1,042 12 6 9,897 12 6 11,250 0 0 1,650 0 0 4,550 0 0 126,726 0 0 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 TJndee Acts of the General Assembly:— " Armed Constabulary Act, 1867 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867 " " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 " " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " ... " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " "Native'Schools Act, 1807" ... " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Provincial Audit Act, 1866 "... " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 " " Whiteley Pension Act, 1869 " 2,362 13 9 510 15 5 2,150 14 6 150 0 0 100 0 0 17 0 0 206 9 2 951 16 4 711 12 4 • 37 10 0 50 0 0 57 10 0 25 0 0 7,331 1 6 APPROPRIATIONS. 9,226 17 10 XIII. 27 27 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 41 46 49 51 Reserve Account Vote No. 1! — Item 1 —Government Domains and Buildings „ 2—Public Buildings ,, 3—Governor's Establishment „ 4—Legislative Department . ... „ 5 —Executive Department „ 6 —Printing „ 7—Electoral ... „ 8 —Geological ... „ 10 —Deeds Registry „ 11 —Maori Rebels „ 12 —Supreme Court „ 13—District Courts „ 14—Resident Magistrates'Courts ... „ 15—Petty Sessions Courts ,, 16—Coroners Act „ 17 —Lunatics Act „ 18 —Justices of the Peace Act „ 19 —Juries Act ... „ 20—Criminal Prosecutions „ 21 —Postal and Telegraph Services ... „ 23—Customs „ 24—Native „ 25 —Miscellaneous 202 18 6 2,000 0 0 47 12 3 313 0 11 608 17 5 80 15 2 1,280 15 2 116 2 9 164 1 0 710 3 8 75 2 9 158 0 3 615 13 9 28 1 4 277 1 6 74 11 0 222 2 3 14 2 0 332 15 1 1,185 11 4 36G 17 11 2,238 6 11 4,410 18 10 57 57 Payments to Provinces Deficiency Bills redeemed 15,523 11 9 780 8 4 100,000 0 0 Total Liabilities of 1871-72 260,366 11 2 Carried forward 260,366 11 2