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On Account oi? Peevious Yeaes : — Civil List ... Permanent Charges, — Interest and Sinking Fund... tinder Acts of General Assembly £ s. d. 126,726 0 0 7,331 1 6 £ s. d. 778 11 9 £ b. d. Appropriations, — Reserve Account Vote No. 1, Miscellaneous ... 134,057 1 6 9,226 17 10 15,523 11 9 24,750 9 7 780 8 4 100,000 0 0 Payments to Provinces Deficiency Bills Redeemed i 260,366 11 2 Total on Account of Peevious Yeaes Financial Yeas 1872-73: — Civil List Permanent Charges, — Interest and Sinking Fund... Under Acts of General Assembly 25,023 15 2 • 359,722 7 0 33,193 17 3 Appropriations, —■ Class I.—Public Domains, &c. ... ... £15,349 17 4 II.—Public Departments ... ... 72,751 14 1 III.—Law and Justice ... ... 42,494 13 1 IV.—Postal... ... ... ... 126,178 8 2 V.—Customs ... ... ... -42,684 19 8 VI.—Native... ... ... ... 26,841 3 2 VII.—Miscellaneous ... ... ... 39,932 16 4 VIII.—Militia and Volunteees ... 20,693 5 3 Supplementary ... ... ... ... 76 10 0 392,916 4 3 « Less in excess of Appropriations ... 387,003 7 1 19,947 12 2 367,055 14 11 4,018 18 0 Refunds of Revenue ... Unauthorized, —■ In excess of Appropriations Not provided for ... 19,947 12 2 9,887 0 6 933,850 10 6 29,834 12 8 30,261 10 5 Payments to Provinces Moiety of Stamp Duties transferred to Immigration and Public Works Department Treasury Hills Redeemed ... ... ... _ 39,739 15 1 45,000 0 0 Total Disbubsements 1,194,217 1 8 Balance on 30 June, 1873: — Cash in the Public Account Advances Unaccounted for, — Colonial ... ... . ... Foreign 261,338 5 0 12,285 13 9 14,875 10 5 27,161 4, 2 288,499 9 2 Total 1,482,716 10 10 *B—B. 1.