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Eettjrn of Wrecks m which Inquiries have been he] .d, &c. — continued. Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, »lso Age and Class, ■when known. Rig. Register Tonnage. Nun ! nber of Nature of Passengers argo. Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. s Wind. Finding of the Court of Inquiry. Crew. Force. Name of Master. 1873. Doc. 20 Stranded ; total loss " Redcliff," 15 years Ketch 22 Grain AlldayBay N.N. E. Whole gale Master perhaps showed want of judgment in not leaving bay when he could, but he did not expect that the N.E. wind would attain its height before 11 a.m., as usual, by which time he would have been ready for sea again. Casualty first caused by N.E. gale and southerly current setting her on South Spit. The final cause being a heavy fresh that came down river and rendered all preparations to heave her off useless Vessel lost through wrongful act and default of Edmund Joseph Johnson, Master, Abram Forshaw, Mate, and Edward Heselton, Second Mate. Master and mate's certificates cancelled, and 9econd mate's suspended for two years Loss supposed to have been caused by some damage done to steering gear, which caused her to put back to Manakau, and that in running in over the bar, not being under the command of her helm, she broached-to and capsized. No blame seems attributable to master, owners, or William Halford. Dec. 20 " Aborigine," 6 years Brigantine 132 General Stranded ; total loss Hokitika River ... N.E. Strong gale James Levens. " Surat," 11 years, classed for 12 years at Liverpool Lloyds Ship 1,000 Stranded ; total loss Struck upon Chasland's Mistake, and subsequently beached in Catlin's Bay Fresh breeze Edmund Joseph Johnson. Dec. 31 37 270 General N.W. 1874. Feb. 2 "Flora Macdonald," 12 years Cutter 18 General Capsized and foundered; total loss I 8 (all hands) Manukau Bar S.W. Heavy squalls J. L. Kenny. "Allahabad," 9 years, Aa 1, Lloyds Lat. 36° 40' South, Long. 178° 20' West crew Masts cut away to save vessel which had been thrown on her beam ends by heavy sea Feb. 2 Ship 1,185 25 Coal Lost mizen mast, maintopmast, boats, &c. Collision ; partial loss s.s.w. Hurricane F. W. Crispin. Jjeb. 1 :: Bauntiess," \ I 2 years f " Challenger," s., ( 4 years J " Florence," 5 years Schooner Ti 1 1 at I time of collision 1 Ballast Between Breakwater and Queen Street Wharf, Auckland South Spit, at entrance to Hokitika River 3.8.E. Whole gale Collision caused through fault of both vessels [William Millar. Feb. 7 Schooner 26 Ballast W. D. HarFeb. 10 Schooner 55 5 General Stranded; partial loss S.W. Moderate Breeze Flood having come down the river, silted up the bar to the extent of four feet, which was not discernible from signal station or tug Accident caused by mismanagement of master whilst labouring under influence of liquor; first mate, Mr. Wise, and second mate, Mr.' Marsack, also blamed. Court considered that it had not power to suspend certificates, as the vessel was not seriously damaged. Nautical Assessor concurred in finding of Court relative to misconduct of officers, but not as to want of power of Court to suspend certificates Heavy sea striking tug caused her to lose her headway in breakers on bar, when current set vessel on to North Spit. No blame attributable to master greaves. Gilbert Brown. Mar. 1 " Anazi," 9 years, Al at Lloyds 16 years Barque 468 12 General Stranded; partial loss The Wade, Auckland Fresh W. H. Holman. 13 N.E. "Sarah and Mary," 10 years Slar. 5 Brigantine 154 Timber Stranded; partial loss Outer North Spit, entrance to Hokitika River S.W. Moderate Breeze H. Simpson. *