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the burthen of 840 tons register or thereabouts, whereof C. B. Berg is at present master, and now in Norway, or on her way thither from Hamburg, on the one part, and Isaac Earl Featherston, Esq., Agent-General in England for the Government of New Zealand, acting on behalf of the said Government, on the other part. That the said ship being tight, staunch, and strong, and every way fitted for the voyage, shall, with all convenient speed, sail and proceed to Christiania, and be made ready for the reception of passengers in between decks, and after being made ready and approved by the proper officers under the Norwegian Emigration Acts, and by the party of the second part or officer acting for him, shall receive on board from the agents of the said Agent-General any number of 'tween-deck passengers, with their bedding, supplies, and all other effects : Provided always that it is perfectly understood and agreed, that the said Agent-General does not, either by himself or his agents, guarantee any specific number of emigrants to be put on board. The owner of the ship has leave to take cabin passengers in addition to the 'tween-deck passengers. The passengers to be allowed room for 20 cubic feet per statute adult of luggage, freight free, all excess to be paid for at the rate of Is. per cubic foot. Being so loaded, the ship shall therewith on or before the 30th instant—wind and weather permitting—proceed to Napier, NewZealand, or so near thereunto as she may safely get, always lying afloat, and deliver the same on being paid passage money as follows : — For each statute adult emigrant—that is to say, persons above the age of twelve years, whether male or female, or any two persons between the age of one y-ear and twelve years, are to be statute adults or equal thereto —£12 sterling per head, children from one to twelve years of age making half an adult. Infants belonging to the said passengers, under one year, free. In consideration of which the owner agrees to supply all the provisions, water and stores, in accordance with the dietary scale approved by the Norwegian emigration officers, to fit up the 'tween-decks and allow the spaces aforesaid to each statute adult passenger, ventilate the vessel, provide proper hospitals, dispensary, waterclosets, a pump and hose for drawing water from the hold, cooking apparatus, and supply all articles required by the Norwegian Emigration Act to the satisfaction of the surveyors and of the party of the second part or his officer, and to provide a suitable supply of medical comforts, to be approved of by the party of the second part. Schedules of the provisions and medical comforts are attached hereto, and are marked respectively A. and B. In like manner the sum of £30 sterling will be paid for any cabin passenger or passengers the Agent-General may direct to go by the ship, and these sums do not include wines or spirits of any kind, which, if required, will have to be paid for extra. In the event of the expenses incurred by the owners of the ship in landing the emigrants exceeding the sum of £25, the excess will be paid by the Agent-General. The said A. B. Bull will give a free passage out and home to the surgeon appointed by the AgentGeneral, with a state room, and mess at the captain's table, without wines or spirits. The act of God, the Queen's enemies, restraints of princes and rulers, fire, and all and any and every other dangers and accidents of the sea, rivers and navigation of what kind and nature soever, during the said voyage, always mutually accepted. The passage money is to be paid as follows: —One half in cash in London, against owners' written order, within fourteen days from the date the ship has sailed, or has been towed from port to proceed on her voyage, for every passenger embarked; the other half to be paid by the said Government of New Zealand within seven days from the arrival at the port of destination of the ship, in bank bills at thirty days in London at par, or in cash, at the option of the captain, for every passenger disembarked, all free of commission. On arrival at the port of disembarkation, the master shall transmit a nominal list of all the passengers on board, signed by himself and the surgeon, to the Immigration Officer acting in that capacity. This list shall be a list of the passengers embarked, with a note against the name of each individual who from any cause may not be landed alive, stating the reason thereof, and added thereto the name and description of infant who may have been born on the voyage. Five clear working or lay days shall be allowed for the disembarkation of the passengers, exclusive of the day of arrival. The Government of New Zealand shall pay demurrage at the rate of 4{i. per ton register per day for every day the ship is detained by them beyond the period, besides the expenses of victualling the passengers on board ; and until these lay days shall have finally expired, or all the passengers shall have finally quitted the ship, bulk shall not be broken or the berths of the passengers disturbed, except with the consent of the Immigration Officer acting in that capacity. If at the port of disembarkation the ship shall be placed in quarantine, the passengers shall be victualled at the expense of the said owner, either in the ship or in any other lazarette or receiving ship to which they may be removed during the five clear days allowed for disembarkation; but if the Government of New Zealand or their officers shall require the passengers to remain in the ship beyond this period, they shall be victualled at the expense of the said Government of New Zealand, or their officers shall require the passengers to remain in the ship. Beyond this period they shall be victualled at the expense of the said Government, and demurrage paid by them as already provided. No second moiety shall be payable with respect of any passenger who before the expiration of the lay days may die in quarantine, either in the ship or in any lazarette to which he may have been removed. The present charter-party shall be taken to be made by the aforesaid Agent-General of the Government of New Zealand in his official capacity only, and no liability whatever arising out of it shall attach personally to him or to his private estate and effects. I. E. Featherston. For and by authority of A. B. Bull — Signed by the said I. E. Featherston, O. Miller. in presence of —A. 0. Ottywell. A true copy of the original charter-party in our possession. Galrraith, Stringer, Pembroke, and Co.