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No. 3. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 246.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— 2nd May, 1872. Referring to my letter No. 216, dated 19th April, I have the honor to send herewith, tho ship's book of the "AVilliam Davie." This return furnishes full particulars of the occupation, nationality, Ac, of the emigrants, and explains the manner in which, in each instance, the account of passage money is made up. I enclose also duplicates of the promissory notes given by the emigrants. As already advised, the ship sailed from the Clyde on or about the 10th April. I have, Ac, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 4. Mr. J. Morrison to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 296.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir,— 14th June, 1872. I have the honor to report that the ship " Hovding," having on board 376 Scandinavian emigrants, equal to 292| adults, sailed from Christiania on the 31st ultimo for Napier, Hawke's Bay. Full particulars will be forwarded by the mail via San Francisco, on the 27th instant. I have, Ac, John Mobbison, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. (in tho absence of the Agent-General).

No. 5. Mr. J. Morrison to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 297.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sic,— 14th June, 1872. I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of the vessels which have been or are to be despatched with emigrants for the year ending the 30th instant, together with a note of the arrangements for July next. I have, Ac, John Morrison, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. (in the absence of the Agent-General).

Enclosure in No. 5. List of Emigkant Vessels to Sail. For Auckland, ... " Parsee," ... To sail 7th January, 1873. For Canterbury, ... A ship, ... To sail 14th January, 1873. For Nelson, ... A ship, ... To sail 20th January, 1873. For Otago, ... " Oberon," ... To sail 15th January, 1873. For Wellington, ... A ship, ... To sail 29th January, 1873. For Auckland, ... A ship, ... To sail sth February, 1873. For Canterbury, ... A ship, ... To sail 12th February, 1873. ForOtago, ... A ship, ... To sail 19th February, 1873. For "Wellington, ... A ship, ... To sail 26th February, 1873. For Canterbury, ... A ship, ... To sail 3rd March, 1873. ForOtago, ... A ship, ... To sail 7th March, 1873.

No. 6. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (No. 305.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir,— 19th June, 1872. I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of the agreement with the owner of the " Hovding." for the conveyance by that vessel of Government emigrants from Christiania to Hawke's Bay; and I beg to inform you, in reference to the disembarkation of the emigrants at Napier, that, in the event of the expenses incurred by the owners of the ship in landing the emigrants exceeding the sum of £25, I have undertaken that the excess will be paid by the Government. I have, Ac, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General. Enclosure in No. 6. Agreement. London, 10th May, 1872. It is this day mutually agreed between Mr. A. B. Bull, owner of the Norwegian ship or vessel called the " Hovding," classed 3-3 French and A 1 Norwegian Veritas, and yellow metalled, of Fonsberg, of