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Wednesday, 17th Septembee, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent: Mr. Carrington, Mr. Parker, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Eeeves, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Eichardson, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Eolleston. Mr. Ormond, As Mr. Eeoves was to give evidence, on the motion of Mr. Macandrew Mr. Curtis was appointed Chairman for the present meeting. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Be Petition of Brogden and Sons, — The Hon. Mr. Eichardson gave evidence. (Vide evidence.) Mr. Ormond gave evidence. (Vide evidence.) Mr. Eeeves gave evidence. (Vide evidence.) The Hon. Mr. O'Eorko was ordered to be requested to attend on Friday to give evidence. The Committee then adjourned.

Friday, 19th Septembee, 1873. Meeting postponed by order.

Monday, 22nd Septembee, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent : Mr. Carrington, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker, Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. Eecves, Mr. Gillies, Hon. Mr. Eichardson, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. White. Hon. Mr. O'Eorke, Minutes of previous meeting road and confirmed. Mr. Carruthers in attendance, and corrected his evidence. The Chairman read a letter he had received from Mr. Billing, enclosing a letter dated 21st December, 1872, from Messrs. Brogden to the Agent-General, which was read and ordered to be appended to his evidence. All evidence given before the Committee read over. The Hon. Mr. O'Eorke gave evidence. (Vide evidence.) Mr. Macandrew gave notice of the following motion:—" Inasmuch as the evidence before tlie Committee clearly shows that in fixing the prices to be paid to Messrs. Brogden and Sons for the various works undertaken by them, provision was made to cover contingencies, in respect of which the claim of the petitioners is based, the Committee is of opinion that there is no good ground for said claim, either at law or in equity." The Committee then adjourned till Tuesday, 23rd September, at 11 a.m.

"Wednesday, 24th Septembee, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent: Mr. Carrington, Hon. Mr. O'Eorko, Mr. Cuthbcrtson, Mr. Parker, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Macandrow, Hon. Mr. Eichardson, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Beeves, Mr. Ormond, Mr. White. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. The Committee proceeded to consider the report on Messrs. Brogden's petition. Mr. Macandrew withdrew the motion of which lie had given notice at the last meeting. Mr. Carrington moved, That the Committee having considered the evidence before it, and the statements made in Mr. Alexander Brogden's letters of 21st December, 1872, and the 10th July, 1873, addressed to the Agent-General, are of opinion that no just decision can be arrived at until the said letters of 21st December, 1872, and 10th July, 1873, are answered by the Agent- General. The Committee divided, when there were, — Ayes, 2. Noes, 8. Mr. Carrington, Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. O'Neill. Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. O'Eorke, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Parker, Hon. Mr. Eichardson, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. White.