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Tuesday, 9tii September, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Carrington, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Curtis, Hon. Mr. O'Eorke, Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. Parker, Hon. Mr. Fitzherbcrt, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Richardson, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. White. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. The Hon. Mr. O'Rorke put in correspondence between the Hon. Minister for Immigration and the firm of J. Brogden and Sons, together with an extract "from a letter to the Hon. Minister for Immigration from the Agent-General (vide Appendix A), which were read. Mr. J. Henderson handed in a promissory note and other documents, &c, referred to in his evidence (vide Appendix B). On the motion of Mr. Ormond, the Committee adjourned till 11 a.m. on Friday, when the report on the petition will be considered.

Feiday, 12th September, 1873. Committee mot pursuant to notice Present : Mr. Carrington, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker, Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. Reeves, Hon. Mr. Fitzherbert, Hon. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. White. Mr. O'Neill, Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Macandrew, That the Committee do now adjourn till 11 a.m. on Monday, 15th September, when Mr. Billing be desired to attend, in accordance with his wish to give evidence.

Monday, 15th September, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent: Mr. Carrington, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker, Hon. Mr. Fitzhcrbert, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Gillies, Hon. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Rolleston, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. White. Hon. Mr. O'Rorko, Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Billing in attendance, and gavo cvidonco with referenco to Messrs. Brogdon's petition. (Vide evidence.) The Committee adjourned till 16th September, at 11 a.m., when Messrs. Henderson and Carruthers were directed to be summoned to give evidence.

Tuesday, IGth September, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice Present : Mr. Carrington, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Parker, Hon. Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Gillies, Hon. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Macandrew,' Mr. Eolleston, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. White. Hon. Mr. O'Rorke, Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Mr. John Henderson in attendance, and re-examined with reference to Messrs. Brogden and Sons' petition. (Vide evidence.) Mr. John Carruthers in attendance, and gave evidence. On the motion of Mr. Gillies, the consideration of the report was postponed to Friday, 19th inst. The Committee adjourned till Wednesday, at 11 a.m.