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Baport brought up and ordered to be printed, 21t7i September.

OEDEES OF EEFEEENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 17th day op July, 1873. Ordered, That a Select Committee, to consist of thirteen members, be appointed to consider and report upon all matters affectin" Public "Works and Immigration that may be referred to it by this House. That such Committee consist of Mr. Carrington, Mr. Curtis, tho Hon. Mr. Fitzherbort, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. O'Neill, the Hon. Mr. O'Korke, Mr. C. Parker, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Eolleston, Mr. White, and the mover; five to be a quorum. {Eon. Mr. Richardson). Feiday, the 18in day of July, 1873. Ordered, That the name of Mr. Cuthbertson be added to tho Public Works and Immigration Committee. (Eon, Mr. Richardson.) Wednesday, the 27th day oe August, 1873. Ordered, That the number of the Public Works and Immigration Committee be increased to fourteen, and that the namo of Mr. Ormond be added thereto. (Son. Mr. Richardson.)

The Public Works and Immigration Committee, to which the Petition of Messrs. John Brogden and Sons was referred, have the honor to report that the petitioners pray to bo relieved from loss to which they allege they have been subjected under their immigration contract with the Government. The Committee having taken all the evidenco that was available to them on the subject of the claims put forward in the petition, are of opinion that the statements in the said petition are not substantiated, and, so far as they are able to judge, there is no good ground for such claim, either in law or in equity. The Committee are further of opinion that, in the absence of proof, it would bo a bad precedent to entertain claims founded upon vague allegations, and the admission of which would do away with all finality in a system of public contracts under written agreements; and that, further, in the opinion of the Committee, it is not desirable the evidence should bo printed. W. Eeeves, 24th September, 1873. . Chairman.

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Monday, Bth September, 1873. Committee met pursuant to notice. Pbesent ; Mr. Carrington, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Curtis, Hon. Mr. O'Eorke, Hon. Mr. Etzherbert, Mr. Parker, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Beeves, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Eichardson, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. White. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Petition of Messrs. J. Brogdon and Sons read. ,„.;,. t. After some discussion on the subject, it was ordered that Messrs. Henderson and Billing be summoned for Tuesday, 9th September, at 11 a.m. The Committee then adjourned till 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 9th September. X—l. 5.