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English Estimate. £ s. d. Oro ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 0 Labour ... ... ... ... ... ... ...080 Management, interest, and depreciation ... ... ... ... 0 C 11 £3 4 1\ My Estimate. £ 8. d. Ore ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Labour ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 15 Management, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 010 £3 5 0 The value set down for the iron I considered high, £9 being the full market price of pig iron at the present time in this market. I have seen hematite iron ore found in the Province of Nelson. I am aware that a quantity was forwarded to Melbourne some three months ago, and converted into cast and wrought iron. I produce to the Committee a piece of wrought iron made from the above ore. I consider it of first-rate quality; it was twisted and bent cold in my establishment this morning. I have been in the Colony thirty-two years; twenty years in business as hardware and iron merchant, and the last fifteen years proprietor of the Lion Eoundry. E. W. Mills.

No. 12. To the Honorable the House of Repeesentatiyes of New Zealand, in Parliament assembled, the Petition of Albeet Beetham. Humbly Showetu, — That, on the Order Paper for this day, the 29th day of September, 1873, a Notice of Motion appears, numbered 7, containing a suggestion of untruthfulness on the part of your Petitioner in the evidence lately given by him before the Colonial Industries and Public Works Committee. Your Petitioner therefore prays that your Honorable House will cause such inquiry to be made as may aft'ord him an opportunity of relieving himself from so serious an imputation. And your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. Albeet Beetham. Motion referred to. Mr. O'Conor to move, That the Colonial Industries Committee bo instructed to inquire and report upon certain evidence given by Albert Beetham before the Colonial Industries and Public Works Committee, with a view to reporting to the House whether in the giving of such evidence the said Albert Beetham has or has not given false evidence, in violation of Standing Order No. 218.

No. 13. Mr. O. Cuetis to Mr. A. Beetham. Sih, — House of Representatives, Wellington, 29th September, 1873. In answer to your inquiry, I have no hesitation in saying that, to the best of my recollection, the sum you stated, in your evidence before the Colonial Industries Committee, had been spent at the Ngakawau was £2,000. I was not a member of the Committee, but I was present during the whole time that you were giving your evidence, or rather making your statement, and I paid particular attention to it. I feel very confident that had you mentioned such an amount as £10,000 as having been expended at the Ngakawau, I could not have failed to notice it, as I well knew that no such expenditure had taken place. You are at liberty to make any use of this letter that you may think desirable. I am, &c, Albert Beetham, Esq., The Club, Wellington. Oswald Cuetis.

No. 14 Mr. W. Beeves to Mr. A. Beetuam. Sib,— 29th September, 1873. In reply to your letter asking me what sum you stated, before the Committee of Public "Works, had been spent on the improvements of the Ngakawau River, I beg to say that the sum named by you was £2,000. I am, &c , W. Reeyes, A. Beetham, Esq. Chairman of Public Works Committee.