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No. 15. Mr. J. llendeeson to Mr. A. Beetham. " Ngakawau." Slß,— Wellington, 29th September, 1873. In giving my evidence before the Committee, I stated that I had seen you on the matter, and heard your views when you showed me the plan, and upon that information I gave what evidence I did. Ido not say £200 per chain would not have stone down to low water; but to make it a job such as would stand and be beneficial, I proposed extending the protection works below low water; hence the price per chain I mentioned, from £GOO to £700. I am, &c, Albert Beetham, Esq. Jons Henderson.

No. 10. Mr. E. J. O'Cojtor to the Mayor of Westpoet. Wellington, Ist October, 1873. Ascertain from Captain Leech and Riley, and Mr. Reid, what expenditure taken place improving Ngakawau River and harbour, from 17th January, 1873, until Albion got possession. Distinguish Companies from Government. How much Albion expended till August 25th. Immediate reply, free. Mayor of Westport. E. J. O'Conoe.

Mr. J. W. Humpheey to Mr. E. J. O'Conor. Westport, Ist October, 1873. From 17th January, 1873, until Albion Company get possession, Ngakawau Company expenditure on river was under £20, their total expenditure about £100. Cannot ascertain actual amount expended by Albion Company till August 25th. Wages on river about £30 weekly. Gross amount expended by Albion Company on mine and river till 13th September, £557. J. W. Humphrey, E. J. O'Conor, Esq., H.H.R., Mayor.

No. 17. Mr. W. A. Mueeax to the Matoe of AVestpobt. Wellington, Ist October, 1873. Immediate reply to O'Conor's telegram requested. State total expenditure by Ngakawau, Company from 17th January; also when Albion Company began work in River Ngakawau. Did Bectham buy interest of any original Ngakawau shareholder? Wm. Aeciid. Mueeat, Mayor of Westport. Chairman, Colonial Industries Committee.

The Mayoe of Westport to Mr. W. A. Mubhat. Westport, 2nd October, 1873. Expenditure by Ngakawau Company from 18th January on river under £20. Albion Company commenced works on river on or about the 16th August. Beetham has purchased the interest of two original shareholders, John Brown and William Chambers. I answered O'Conor's telegram within an hour of its receipt; yours only reached me at 6.15 last night, after office closed; this to explain apparent neglect in answering telegram. J. W. Humphrey, Chairman, Colonial Industries Committee, Wellington. Mayor.

No. 18. Mr. D. M. Luckie to Mr. W. A. Mueeay. SlB, —■ Wellington, 4th September, 1873. I have the honor to enclose, for submission to your Committee, two letters by Mr. W. Akerston, of Nelson, having reference to coal and iron workings on the eastern seaboard of the Nelson Province. I shall feel obliged if you will cause these letters, and the subject of which they treat, to be brought under the consideration of the Committee over which you preside. I have, &c, The Chairman, Colonial Industries Committee. D. M. Luckie.

Mr. W. Akebston to Mr. D. M. Luckie. Sir,— Nelson, 14th August, 1873. During a recent and brief conversation with you as you were leaving Nelson, I promised at your request to write to you, to show how (in my opinion) " this Province, and New Zealand generally, might be benefited by a moderate outlay." I will now endeavour to fulfil it. It does not require me to tell you that, generally speaking, this is not an agricultural Province ; and although there are many patches of good land of very considerable extent, it is not from these that Nelson can come to the front. It is from other natural resources ; central position, fine weather, abundance of coal near a good place of shipment, that will effect that.