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arranged with the defendant that he (complainant) was to get £200. The complainant was not a slave of the defendant, to justify the defendant in saying that he would arrange with the complainant. 2. The Parliament knows what are likely to be the results of purchasers interviewing persona interested in laud, separately ; that is, so that not one of the grantees of the land which it is desired to acquire shall know anything of the statements and writings of another. 3. It was not because the defendant knew that the complainant had but a small share in this land that the money for him was less than for the others ; it was because the complainant did not owe the defendant much. Eenata applied to have all the documents, showing all transactions relating to this land, looked into, because he alleged that ho had not signed either conveyance or mortgage of the said land ; and lie complained against E. D. Maney. When the complaint was heard a mortgage deed was inspected, and the name of the complainant was there written in a handwriting exactly resembling that of the complainant. When the complainant saw the signature attached to the deed, he admitted that it was his, but ho had no idea of where he signed the deed. Martyn Hamlin said he interpreted the deed to complainant, who signed the same in a publichouse. I believe the signature attached to that mortgage deed to be that of the complainant, but that he was drunk when he signed it. The complainant said that he heard from Maney that the payment for his share of that land was to be £1,000, but it was appropriated to pay the debts of Haromi [Haromi is the widow of Karauria]. The defendant admitted this. I consider that the defendant should not have appropriated that money for the purpose of paying those debts, because the complainant did not give his consent to such a proceeding. Paora Kaiwhata: This man complains against Maney for the following reason : —The price agreed upon for this land was £4,000 ; when he went to fetch it it was not given to him, but it was arranged he was to get £500. When he went to get that it was not given to him ;he only got grog.) My opinion on this complaint is : The complainant was not justified in making this complaint. Wieemu Hikaibo, Commissioner. No. XX.—Tunastji.—Hare Torotoro, Benata Kawepo, Paora Kaiwhata, nga Kaitono. Ko te tono a Hare Torotoro he whakahe ki a Miini (B. D. Maney), te take kaore he moni i riro mai ki aia mo tona moketetanga atu i tona waahi o tenei whenua ki taua Pakeha. Heoi nga mca i riro mai ki a ia kotahi parau ko etahi taonga, me etahi waipiro. Na i runga i nga korero katoa i whakaaturia mai ai kite Kouti mo tenei tono, c mca ana te Kaitono : —Ko te take i tuhi ai ia i tona ingoa ki roto kite pukapuka mokete mo tenei whenua, he otinga no ta raua korero ko taua Pakeha, i mea kia £200 tc utu mo tona (to te Kaitono) paanga, ki taua whenua. I mea te Kaikaro kihai ia i whakahua i tena moni kite Kaitono whakawa, engari kei aia tonu te tikanga mona (mo te Kaitono). I mea ano hoki tc Kaikaro, ite rongonga ote Kaitono he iti te moni ma era atu ka koa. Xi te whakaaro a te Kaikaro whakawa ka rite te nui o te paanga o te Kaitono ki tenei whenua ki nga moni c £50. Na ko taku whakaaro i runga i nga korero mo tenei tono: — 1. He tika te ki ate Kaitono whakawa i tuhi ai ia i tona ingoa kite pukapuka mokete, he otinga no ta raua korero ko te Kaikaro mo he £200. Ehara hoki ihe mea he pononga na te Kaikaro te Kaitono i kiia ai ma te Kaikaro whakawa tonu te whakaaro kite Kaitono. 2. Ko te Paremata c mohio ana ki nga peheatanga o te korero takitahi a te kaihoko whenua ki nga tangata whai whenua. Ara, ki tenei, kaua tetahi o nga tangata o roto ite Karauna Karaati o te whenua c hiahiatia ana kia hokona c rongo i nga korerotanga me nga tuhituhinga a tetahi. 3. Ehara ite mea he mohiotanga no te Kaikaro kite iti ote paanga ote Kaitono whakawa ki tenei whenua i whakaiti ai ite moni ma te Kaitono, i whakanui ai ma era atu. Eugari he iti no nga nama a te Kaitono. Ko te tono a Eenata he mea kia tirohia nga pukapuka o nga meatanga katoa o taua whenua, ki tana, kore rawa ia i tuhi pukapuka hoko mokete ranei mo taua whenua a c whakahe ana kia Miini (R. D. Maney). A i te wa i whakarangona ai nga korero mo tenei tono ka tirohia tetahi pukapuka mokete, c mau ana te ingoa ote Kaitono ki taua pukapuka, ako te tuhi o taua ingoa rite pu ano kite tuhi ate Kaitono. A i te kitenga a te Kaitono i te ahua o te reta c mau ana ki taua pukapuka, ka mea ia ko taua tuhi nana, engari ko te tuhinga kaore rawa ia c mohio ana i tuhi ia ki whea i taua pukapuka mokete. Eki ana a Matene Hemara ko ia te Kaiwhakamaori o taua pukapuka kite Kaitono a i tuhi to Kaitono i tona ingoa ki taua pukapuka i roto i te Paparakauhe. Heoi ko taku whakaaro he tika, na te Kaitono ano tona ingoa i tuhi ki taua pukapuka mokote, engari he mea tuhi hauranga. E mea ana te Kaitono i rongo kau ia ki a Miini ko te moni hei utu mo tona waahi o taua whenua £1,000, engari i whakapaua hei utu mo nga nama a Haromi (ko Haromi he pouaru na Karauria). I whakaaetia taua korero c te Kaikaro. Taku whakaaro mo tenei kaore i tika te tukunga a te Kaikaro i taua moni mo era nama, kaore hoki he whakaaetanga a te Kaitono whakawa kia peratia. Paora Kawhata : Ko te tono a tenei he whakahe kia Miini, ko ta take ko te utu i whakaaetia mo tenei whenua c £4,000; te haerenga atu kite tiki, kaore i homai tara moni, whakaritea ana ko te