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X i te ki a Tatana i whakaaturia ano aua kupu c ia ki a Ilenarc Eata, i whakaae ano taua H. Eata i whakaaturia ano aua kupu cngari ko te take i kore ai ai c whakaae he kore no aua kupu i tuhia ki roto i to pukapuka o tc hoko. Hcoi kua whakaactia o Henare Eata kia hanga tetahi pukapuka hei whakahokinga i nga rakau me nga wahie ki to Kaitono. 1. Na ki taku whakaaro c tika ana te tono a Tareha, kihai i whakaotia nga tikanga i whakaaetia i te hokonga. 2. Kihai a Henaro Eata i uru ki aua whakariteritenga engari ko te kaiwhakahaere anake o te hoko raua ko te kaiwhakainaori i reira, oti noa te hoko. 3. No te kaiwhakaere o te hoko raua ko te kaiwhakamaori taua he, iua hoki i mohio ano raua kaore aua kupu i tuhia kite pukapuka o tehoko, heoi whakaaaetia ana. 4. I whakaaetia ai, hei mea c tuhi ai te Kaitono i tono ingoa ki taua pukapuka c whakapaingia ai hoki raua c te tangata inona taua whenua. 5. Ma te kaiwhakahaere o te hoko c utu ki a Tareha nga rakau i paumc nga rakau i pirau. Wikemu Hikaiko, Komihana.

REPORT ON CASE No. IV. Whaherangi.—Paora Torotoro and "Waka Kawatini, Complainants. Paora Torotoro and Waka Kawatini complain of Mr, Kinross, because they did not receive rent for this land for six years. This land was set apart for the Natives by the Government at the time of the sale of the bulk of the land, and it was subsequently adjudicated upon by the Native Land Court, and a Crown grant was issued to Paora Torotoro and others. After the Court had dealt with it, the grantees leased the block to Mr Kinross, at an annual rental of £270. Paora Kaiwhata stated that this land had been leased to Colonel "Whitinorc and Mr. Alexander before the Native Land Act was passed, and he stated the rent was also paid regularly during that period. Paora Torotoro stated that when this land was leased, he and his party commenced to take goods on credit from the lessee. They ran up a score of £700, and then the lessee said to them, "If you aro willing to reduce the rent to £100 a year, 1 will cancel your debt to me." Paora and his party agreed to this proposal, and after that they again began to get goods on credit from the lessee. We do not think this complaint should be entertained, because the complainants themselves ran into debt, and therefore the rent was stopped. Te Waka Kawatini's statement was not clear to us. WntEMtr Hikairo, Commissioner. Wieejiu Te Wiieoeo, Commissioner. IV.—Whakeeaxgi.—Paora Torotoro, Waka Kawatini, nga Kaitono. Ko nga tono a Paora Torotoro raua ko Te Waka Kawatini he whakahe kia Kenerohi mo te korenga o nga utu reti mo tenei uhenua i roto i nga tau c ono c puta ki a ratou. Ko tenei whenua, he wahi i waiho c te Kawanatanga mo nga tangata Maori i te wa i hokona ai te nuinga o te whenua, no muri mai, ka whakawakia c te Kouti Whenua Maori, a whakaputaina ana lie Karaati ki a Paora Torotoro ratou ko etahi atu. No muri iho ite otinga ite whakawa ka retia c te huuga i Karaatitia ra ki a Kenerohi mo te £270 te utu reti i he tau. I whakaaturia mai c Paora Kaiwhata ko tenei whenua, he whenua retinga ano ki etahi Pakeha ko Te Witimoa raua ko Hanara nga ingoa i mua atu o te Turc Kouti Whenua Maori a ki tana ki, i pufa pai tonu nga utu reti i tena wa. Xi to kupu a Paora Torotoro ka oti te tukunga o tenei whenua kite reti ka timata hoki ta ratou mahi nama ko ona hoa kite Kaiutu reti. Ilui katoa nga utu mo nga nama c whitu ran (£700) katahi to Kai utu reti ka mca atu ki a ratou. "Xi to mea ka pai koutou kite whakahoki iho ite utu mo te reti kite rau kotahi (£100) mo te tan, ka whakakorea noatia iho a koutou nama c ahau." Na w hakaaetia ana c ratou ko ona hoa tana tono a te Kaiutu reti, no muri iho i tena whakaritenga ka tahuri ano ratou ko ona hoa kite mahi nama kite Kaiutu reti. Ko ta maua whakaaro, kaorc c tika tenei tono ma hoki ko ratou ano kite puku nama koia c kore ai nga moni utu reti c puta ki a ratou. Ko te korero a te Waka Kawatini kihai maua i marama. Wikejiu HiKAino, Komihana. Wibejiu Te Wueoho, Komihaua.

11EP0RT on CASE No. VI. KonoKi. This land was adjudicated upon by the Native Laud Court, and a Crown grant issued in the names of ten persons. After the said Court had made the award in favour of the ten persons, they sold the land to a European for £300. Mr. W. A. Cannon and his wife, Hokoinata, complained to the Commissioners in respect of thia land. They complained of the person who paid the £300,