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No. 8. The Hon. J. Vogel to Mr. Russell. (Telegram.) AVellington, 4th September, 1873. Received your telegram of August 23rd —Congratulate you—Wire particulars without delay, to enable us to obtain authority of Parliament.

No. 9. Mr. Russell to the Hon. J. Vogel. (Telegram.) London, 27th August, 1873. Have agreed with Samuel, subject to ratification of New South AVales Government and New Zealand Parliament, as follows:—Twelve knot service for six years by New South Wales and New Zealand conjointly, to be commenced within twelve months—Boats of 2,500 tons gross, or equal to 2,000 tons register, all of same size and power, for service via Kandavau: thirteen round trips—Terminus and departure : alternately Sydney and Dunedin via coast service—Transhipments alternately for Sydney and New Zealand at Kandavau—Contractors to have all subsidies except from British Government and Colonies—New South Wales and New Zealand pay £40,000 each ; cost, thus, New Zealand £28,000, subject to further reduction by half any contributions from other Colonies—l am satisfied with contractors—lf you agree to foregoing, Samuel and self will arrange temporary ten knot service ; first steamer from Colony in December —This is best arrangement I can make, and strongly recommend its adoption—Parkes will telegraph you his reply.

No. 10. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, New South Wales, to the Hon. J. Voqel. (Telegram.) Sydney, 30th August, 1873. Lettee to your Government this day on London agreement—l have telegraphed to London our concurrence. By Authority: Geokob Didseubt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB73. Price 9d]