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all claims or reservations as aforesaid, however the same may bo asserted or expressed : And I further covenant and agree for the benefit of said Webb, and of the said last-mentioned Company, its stockholders and creditors respectively to assure, pay, and discharge ; and I do hereby assume all the contracts, debts, and obligations of said Company, to be by me performed in every respect as if they had been originally contracted by me. Dated New York, March 6th, 1873. In presence of- j A B Stockwell> Orosvenor r. _owrey. j Received, New York, March 6th, 1873, from Mr. William IT. AVebb, twenty thousand dollars in cash, and the transfer of one thousand shares of the capital stock of the California, New Zealand, and Australian Mail Steamship Company, in full of all demands which I may have against him, for moneys advanced by mo since Ist October, 1872, to and for the account of the said Company ; and in consideration thereof, I do hereby release and for ever discharge the said AVebb, his heirs, executors, and administrators, of and from all actions, causes of action, suits, controversies, claims, and demands of every nature whatsoever, for or by reason of any matter, cause, or thing, from the beginning of tho world to the sixth day of March, 1873. And 1 do also covenant and agree, upon the considerations above named, toliold the said Webb harmless from any and all damages or penalties to which he may become liable by reason of the non-performance by the said Steamship Company, or any successor or assignee thereof, of the mail contract heretofore existing between said AVebb and Ben Holladay on the one part, and the Postmaster of New Zealand, Julius Vogel, of the other part, and which contract was heretofore, to wit on the 23rd day of October, 1872, assigned by said AVebb and Holladay to the said Company. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this sixth day of March, 1873. In presence of- j Alden P. Stockwell, G. P. Lowrey. j ' State of New York, ) r 1 City and County of New York, j L BE-"_ On this day of March, a.d. 1873, before me personally appeared Alden B. Stockwell, to me personally known to be the same person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument in writing, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public, New York County.

No. 4. The Hon. J. Vogel to the Hon. the Chief Seceetaet, Melbourne. (Telegram.) Wellington, 6th August, 1873. In reference to your willingness, as we understand, io contribute fifteen thousand pounds to a Californian service satisfactory to you, Mr. Russell, who is at home specially charged with attention to interests of Colony in this matter, has been instructed to report what course he recommends in reference to the Californian service.

No. 5. [The Hon. J. Vogel to the Hon. tho Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney. (Telegram.) AVellington, 6th August, 1873. I acknowledge with thanks offer contained in your letter of July 23rd, and the courteous and considerate language in which it is framed—Mr. Russell is at home specially charged with attention to New Zealand interests in this matter —The offer has been submitted for his recommendation and report —Until hear from him, not able to give you view of New Zealand Government on it.

No. 6. The Hon. J. A 7 ogel to Mr. T. Russell. (Telegram.) Wellington, 6th August, 1873. Victoeia offers only fifteen thousand pounds by way of assistance to a Califbrnian service with which it is satisfied—New South AVales offers us use of line to Kandavau for the postages, which we estimate worth twelve thousand pounds; we also to pay for branch service—AYe are arranging with Victoria for use of Suez service—Under these circumstances, with better information at your command as to reality and prospects of New South Wales line than we have, and as to means of getting such a Californian line as will suit the requirements and claims of New Zealand, you are requested to immediately cable full recommendation of what you advise, in order that Parliament may be consulted and its sanction asked —This telegram been read to Parliament.

No. 7. Mr. Russell to the Hon. J. Vogel. (Telegram.) London, 23rd August, 1873. Have arranged satisfactory terms with Samuel, but until assent of contractors obtained cannot send particulars.