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No. 7. - Mr. G. S. Coopee to Mr. G. B. Woman. Sib _ Native Office, Wellington, 26th December, 1871. I am directed by Mr. McLean to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date reporting your arrival in Wellington. As it is the desire of the Government that you should as soon as possible commence your duties in connection with the settlement of outstanding questions relative to confiscated and other lands on the West Coast of this Province, and in the southern part of Taranaki, I am to request that you will lose no time in making yourself thoroughly acquainted with the history of all transactions which have taken place with regard to such lands ; such information to be obtained from official documents published in the Gazette and Appendices to Journals, and from reports and other records in the Omces of the Native Secretary, and of the Secretary for Crown Lands. I have, &c, G. S. Coopee, Under Secretary.

No. 8. Mr G. B. Woegan to the Hon. D. McLean. Sie _ "Wanganui, 19th July, 1872. I have the honor to report that, in accordance with instructions to that effect, I have purchased or arranged for the purchase and lease of the following interests in Schedule A in the Compensation Awards, gazetted 20th April, 1867 :— 1 Hataßio. 14- Hera Tuawhenua. 2. Eeihana Terekuku. 15- Eahera Te Kou. 3. Nikorima Taiaroa. 16. Karo Hmehau. 4 Tini Pahewa. 17- Maka Taiapiti. (Turner s lease.) 5 Koroneho Te Ika A Maui. 18. Paramena Tumahuki. 6. Eaimapaha Kapui. 19. Mata Hihina. 7. Bihari Mokaikereru. 20. Rio's children. 8. Horopapera Pukeke. 21. Hariata Te Eapu. 9. Merc liotene Terawaitu. 22. Te Omaoma. _ 10 Ani Teatea 23. Herona Hineihara. ll' Harieta Mariao. 24. Mere Awatea. (Privately sold.) 12. Ihaia Te Horopitau. 25. Erueti Te Pewa. 13. Anairi Te Auripo. (Lease, P.Q-.) 26. Wahanga. In all selected and allotted, 10,400 acres, of which 6,400 acres are at the disposal of the Government; leaving fourteen claimants yet to deal with, representing 5,600 acres, of which 1,600 acres are allotted to fou? Natives, namely, in two blocks in the Province of Taranaki, leaving thus 4,000 acres still for selection. „ Of the 16-acre selections, the following have been bought up by me for the Government :— 1. Hamiona Hiriki. 19. Haimona Te Bangiteki. 2 Hare Te Opa. 20. Eeihana Kawekairangi. 3! Haira Kahutararoa. 21. Te Mere Te Matau. 4. Pomaparie Haunui. 22. Erana Tomoaka. 5. Tehinita Te Poti. 23. Eahera Poan. 6. Eini Hemioata. 24. Pango. 7 Ani Hoka. 25. Hma Eukau. 8. Euihi. 26. Ani Waea. 9. Wiripo Ngatoa. 27. Poni Terangitapuaenui. 10. Matin To Mata. 28. Wiari. 11. Eora To Mata. 29. Ani Ngawai. 12. Euhia Te Pare. 30. Kamarihi Taukari. 13. Children of Te Peina. 31. Maraea Hira. 14. Hori Kerei Paipai. 32. Eipeka Hone. 15. Eeupena Tauria. 33. Eaima Eae. 16. Kawana. 34- Eiheta Paihi. 17. Eipeka Kerei. 35. Wikitora Eaurewa. 18. Hori Ngapuka. In all 560 acres. Of the 16-acre lots, therefore, 44 remain. Eeference to the map will show that provision has been made for these as well as the others, and that so far the floating claim to 17,264 acres has been changed into a definite result, of which the following figures are an abstract :— Acres. Land purchased by Government to date, 47 claims, representing ... 5,360 Leased by Provincial Government... ... ... ... ••• 1,600 Turner's Lease ... ... ... ... ••• ■■• 2,800 Nicholson's, at Whenuakura ... ... ... ••■ ■•• '<>() Exchange for Hata Eio ... ... ... ... ••■ ••• . 40° 10,960 Still in hands of Natives ... ... ... ... ■•• 6>304 Total 17,264