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H.—No. 10



On the motion of Mr. Macandrew it was Resolved, That the Government be requested to furnish the documents referred to in the order of reference of the 9th August, 1872. Carried. Moved by Mr. Mervyn, That the consideration of the Gold Mining Bill be postponed for one week. Motion negatived. Resolved, That the Gold Mining Bill be considered on Thursday. Carried. The petition of certain Hokitika minerß for the reduction of the gold duty was read by the Chairman. On the motion of Mr. J. C. Brown, Resolved, That the House be recommended to give effect to the prayer of the petitioners, and that an interim report be presented accordingly. On the motion of Mr. J. C. Brown, it was Resolved, That the papers relative to the sale of auriferous land at Switzers be considered on Tuesday next. Carried. The Committee adjourned until Thursday next, at 10.30 a.m.

Thursday, 15th August, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Peesent: Mr. Mervyn, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Tribe. Mr. Macandrew in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. In consequence of there not being a quorum, the Committee adjourned until Friday next, at 10.30 a.m.

Friday, 16th August, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent : Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Tribe, Mr. Hallenstein, Mr. White. Mr. Mervyn, Mr. Macandrew in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The following papers were laid on the table, viz., Correspondence relative to Beaumont Water Eace, with other papers relative to the construction of Gold Eields Works. Also, a telegram from Mr. Wilson Gray, District Judge, to Mr. Haughton. The Gold Mining Bill was then taken under consideration. Preamble was then read and postponed. Clauses 1 and 2 read and agreed to. Clause 3 read and postponed. Clauses 4 to 9 read and agreed to. Clause 10 read. Amendment proposed, That in the third line, between the words " garden orchard " the word "or" be put; that the words "or fenced and cultivated field " be struck out; and that after the word " Act," in the fifth line, the words "without the express consent of the owner or owners thereof" be added. Clause amended read and agreed to. Clause 11 read and agreed to. Clause 12 read. Amendment proposed, That, in the last two lines, the reading should be thus— "exploration, occupation, and mining." The Question having been put, the Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follows: — Ayes, 3. Noes, 2. Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Mervyn, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. White. Mr. Tribe. So it passed in the affirmative. Clause amended read and agreed to. On the motion of Mr. Mervyn, Resolved, That Part 111. is not suitable for the requirements of shallow alluvial mining districts. On the motion of Mr. Shepherd, Resolved, That the Chairman, Mr. Shepherd, and Mr. Tribe be requested to communicate with the Government and Attorney-General, with a view of ascertaining as to whether or not the Act can be so remedied as to meet the foregoing objection. Committee then adjourned till 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday.