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H.—No. 10.

Tuesday, 20th August, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr Mervyn, Mr. Curtis, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Tribe, Mr. Hallenstein, Mr. White. Mr. Harrison, Mr. O'Neill in the Chair. On the motion of Mr. Harrison, Mr. O'Neill was appointed Chairman. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The papers relating to an alleged sale of auriferous land to Mr. Allan McDonald, at Switzers, were laid before the Committee. Mr. Bradshaw explained the papers to the Committee, and will bring forward a resolution next meeting. On motion of Mr. Mervyn, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Resolved, That in the opinion of the Committee, it is desirable that the papers connected with the sale of land to one Allan McDonald, at Switzers, be printed; and that the Chairman be requested to convey the resolution to the Printing Committee, with a view of having effect given to it. On motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. White, Resolved, That the Committee do recommend that the Government should be requested to give effect to the prayer of the petitioners of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and mining machinery. The papers relative to the Beaumont Water Eace, with other papers relative to the construction of Gold Fields Works, were laid before the Committee. Mr. J. C. Brown moved, That this Committee are of opinion that in all cases, where practicable, the services of the Provincial Eoad Engineers should be availed of by the General Government, where surveys and reports of the various applications are required for assistance for the construction of water races and other works on the gold fields, under "The Public Works Act, 1871." Mr. Mervyn moved, as an amendment, to omit all the words after the word " That," with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof: —" in the opinion of this Committee, it is desirable that the cost of the preliminary surveys required under the Regulations, before assistance is rendered to the miners for the construction of water races, should be borne by the Government; and that, in the case of assistance being rendered by the Government, the Wardens be instructed to report in reference to periodical payments." Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question. It was resolved in the affirmative. Original question put and agreed to. Mr Macandrew then took the chair, and explained to the Committee the interview of the deputation with the Attorney-General on the Gold Fields Act. On motion of Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Resolved, That a separate Bill be introduced during the present Session, providing for mining on private property ; and that the clauses providing for mining on private property be eliminated from the Gold Fields Bill. On motion of Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Resolved — 1. That the duties to be performed by the Inspector under the Gold Eields Bill be performed when required by the Warden. Ayes, 5. Noes, 4. Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Hallenstein, Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Tribe, Mr. Mervyn, , Mr. White. Mr. T. L. Shepherd. 2. That " The Gold Fields Mining District Act, 1871," be not repealed. Moved by Mr. Shepherd, That the resolution be forwarded to the Attorney-General, with a copy of the Bill. Agreed to. The Committee then adjourned till Thursday, at 10.30 a.m.

Thuesday, 22nd August, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Peesent: Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr. Tribe. Mr. Mervyn, Mr. Macandrew in the chair. The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed. The Committee then adjourned. 2