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H.—No. 10

I am directed to report that the Committee has had under its consideration a vast amount of correspondence and documents relative to the supply of water on various Gold Eields, and also the proposed new G-old Eields Act. . . , , , With respect to the former, the Committee is of opinion that the question which has been submitted to it comes more properly within the functions of, and ought, in _the first instance at least, to be dealt with by the Executive Government, to whose special consideration the Committee recommends the various applications on this subject. , As regards the proposed new Gold Fields Bill, the Committee approve of its having been withdrawn inasmuch as it seems to have been framed more for quartz mining than alluvial diggings. They recommend that a Bill adapted to the Colony as a whole be carefully framed and extensively circulated throughout the Gold Eields, say three months prior to the next Session of the General Assembly. In framing such Bill, the Committee recommend that due regard should be paid to the valuable practical suggestions contained in the Eeport of the late Mining Conference in the Province of Ota^o and that any provision for mining on private property should be a separate and distinct Bill. With respect to the sale of auriferous land at Switzers, having carefully perused the voluminous papers submitted to it and taken such evidence as was available, the Committee recommends that the Provincial Government of Otago be requested to institute on the spot a full and searching inquiry into the whole circumstances of the case. ~,,,,. -,i -j The Committee is of opinion that the papers connected with this case, together with the evidence taken thereon, should be printed. . , . I am further desired to report, that, in the opinion of the Committee, it is desirable that the mining industry should be represented in the Government by the appointment of a Minister of Mines, such an appointment not to supersede the local administration of mining affairs r J. Macandeew, 19th October, 1872. Chairman.

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Tuesday, 23ed July, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present : Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Curtis, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Tribe, Mr. Mervyn, Mr. White. Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Macandrew in the chair. Moved by Mr. Sheehan and seconded by Mr. Tribe, That Mr. Macandrew do take the chair. jjil fT 1-] pM Moved by Mr. Shepherd and seconded by Mr. Harrison, That the business of the Committee be conducted as in Committee of the whole House. Carried. The Committee adjourned until further notice.

Tuesday, 13th August, 1872. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present : Mr. J. C. Brown, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Hallenstein, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. Mervyn, Mr. Tribe. Mr. Macandrew in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Order of reference of the Ist and 9th of August read.