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Extracts from the Journals of the Souse of Representatives. Thuesday, the 18th day or July, 1872. Ordered, That a Select Committee, to consist of thirteen Members, be appointed to consider all Bills and Petitions that may be introduced into this House affecting G-old Fields, and to report generally upon the provisions and principles which any such Bills or Petitions may contain ; five to be the quorum ; with power to confer or sit together with any similar Committee which may be appointed by the Legislative Council, and to make a separate Report. And that such Committee consist of Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Hallenstein, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Mervyn, Mr. T. L. Shepherd, Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Tribe, Mr. White, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. J. C. Brown, and the Mover. Thursday, the Ist day or August, 1872. Ordered, That the Petitions of certain Hokitika Miners, and the Chamber of Commerce, Auckland, be referred to the Gold Fields Committee. Feiday, thb 9th day or August, 1872. Ordered, That the application of the Beaumont Water Bace Company, all correspondence relating thereto, together with Surveyor's Report and cost of the same, be referred to the Gold Fields Committee ; also, any other applications which have been received by the Government for the construction of works on the Gold Fields in terms of sections 50 to 53 inclusive, Part VIII., " Immigration and Public Works Act, 1871." Ordered, That the Gold Mining Bill be referred to the Gold Fields Committee. Ordered, That the Papers laid on the table of this House on the 2nd instant by command, relative to the alleged sale of auriferous land at Switzers by the Waste Lands Board of the Province of Otago to Mr. Allan McDonald, be referred to the Gold Fields Committee. Tuesday, the 13th day or August, 1872. Ordered, That it be an instruction to the Gold Fields Committee to report how the sum of £300,000, raised or to be raised under " The Public Works and Immigration Act, 1870," for supply of water on the Gold Fields, be allocated and divided between the various Provinces and County of Westland, upon a basis of the population actually engaged in mining operations ; and that a Bill be introduced during the present Session making provision therefor." Thuesday, the 17th day or October, 1872. Ordered, That the Gold Fields Act Amendment Bill be referred to the Gold Fields Committee. Wednesday, the 28th day or August, 1872. Ordered, That the following Paper, laid upon the Table of the House this day, be referred to the Gold Fields Committee: — Resolution of the County Council of Westland recommending the construction of High Level Race from Rawhaka Creek to Ballarat Hill and Tunnel Creek.