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G.—No. 23,


No. 4. Circular to Wardens. Wardens of Warden's Courts within Gold Fields, are requested to be good enough to fill up and forward quarterly* to the Under-Secretary of Public Works for Gold Fields, Wellington, the enclosed forms of Return. The first return is to be completed up to the end of March, 1872 . W. bISBORNE. ,„ • -n T rr \< /T ■ ~ . , -o 1 X

No. 5. Circular to Wardens. Wardens upon Gold Fields are informed that the Under-Secretary for Gold Fields (Public Works DenStmenrtTas been authorised to place himself in immediate communication with them for the S_S7ob_fi!fS! information necessary for compiling the Mineral Statistics of the Colony. r r a By order, Colonial Secretary's Office, (Judicial Branch), R- G- .^°™T AINk ffl \ Wellington, March 27, 1872. (*« the Assistant Law Officer).

No 6. Mr. Haughton to Mr. Sheehan, Gold Fields Secretary, Auckland. Public Works Office (Gold Fields Branch), Wellington, 4th April, 1872. ' _ I have the honor to enclose for your information copy of Circular (A) which by direction of the Government has been forwarded to the Wardens, and shall feel much, obliged if you will tour me wS such returnsf from your office, up to 31st March last, as may enable satisfactory statistics to be laid before Parliament. &c C. E. Haughton.

Enclosure in No. 6. Circular to Wardens.—(A.) Wellington, 26th March, 1872. I beg to forward you copy of a Resolution agreed to by the House of Representatives m--1869, and have the honor to request that, in addition to filling up the forms already you by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, you will furnish me with such a general report of he state of your district up to 31st March, instant, as may enable satisfactory statistics to be laid before Parliament. I have &c C.E.WhTON.

Enclosure m Circular A. Order of the House oe Bepresentatives, dated 3rd August, 1869. That it is desirable that the Government should cause to be laid upon the table of this House, during each session, a Report embodying a general account of the present condition of the Gold Fields of the Colony, their advancement or otherwise during the preceding year, j and their probable prospects ■ together with particulars showing the average price of provisions during the year on each GoM Field, the rate of wages, estimated population, and such other information as would afford a 2£ve idea of the general condition of the mining interest in the Colony; and that His iSS^Ceßted to f^arda copy Report to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies. __■__■-_

m 0 .W ..No- '• CiECULAE to Resident Magistrates. Colonial Secretary's Office (Judicial Branch), Wellington, 15th February, 1870. The House of Representatives having ordered " that there be laid on the table a return of the number of Mining Companies incorporated under the provisions of the < Mining Companies T imitoTLkbnity Act 1865' in the various Provinces of New Zealand, and also the number of ahareh33STO^W«- I the honor to request you to be good enough to furnish me with the required information for your district, up to the dlst March next. -^ W. GISBORNE.

Bth July, 1872, and are laid before Parliament.