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G.—No. 23.


No. 1. The Supeeintendent of Auckland to the Hon. Colonial Secretary. g IR Superintendent's Office, ' tvt^ 1» *■ I L» r, ', Auckland, 19th June, 1872. W h Da 7 att^tion has just been called to the fact that the Under-Secretary for Gold Fields has been ordering reports returns, &c, to a very considerable extent, to be made direct t him by arise torn SL™ GOM TFl6f • Permit, m6 t0 dir6Ct Ur attentloa t0 th« inconvenience which arises from this course I order a report from one officer; a similar report is ordered without mv mF' ?°%ffi* I ? fficer', inVolying double lab°nr'. Masses of returns a c ord ed whS interfere materially with the performance of their duties by officers already fully employed ' wh eh returns could be obtained by me through officers whose duties would not be interfered wfth ' Sther inconveniences will, no doubt, suggest themselves to your own mind. I would, thereforerespectfully request that a 1 mstructions to Gold Fields officers be sent through me, so long a >?& \Z C to hold the delegated powers of administration of Gold Fields. i nave, &c., T. B. Gillies, , L ____„ Superintendent.

No. 2. The Hon. Colonial Secretary to the Superintendent of Auckland. ■ g IR Colonial Secretary's Office, ' I have to acknowledge the receipt of your HonorXf "of^hV^'th calling attention to the inconvenience which may ariseTomXsupnlTov Wardens of Cnl/i n°'' En?ZT Ct 'V ll6 UndT SeCret^ fOT Public Wo'" 9 efftS that it has always been usual m case of information required respecting the Gold Fiefdsbv the Houses of Assembly for the Government, through an Under-Secretary, to "give ins Suction. directo _S?a«s_-^^ of m £n°,! Ip nqUlrJ- 1 kaT S"* the °nly retU™ Which may be considered at all laborious is the list lltTSuarv'lS to he fi 3SS ffW"* a Circul- to Wardens, dated so for back a lotn February 1870, to be furnished m obedience to an order of the House of RepreseatativM T PhSZISf TVt™ Called,? r had been eviously *«--- to yl7Hon ror to the SdTS^TJ \ bUti lf/°' W°Uld b6 ea3^ for the Warden to send a copy thereof if prtated SSP* P /t0 aSkl lf T SSary ' aUthority t0 enga Se clerical aid for copying it IK be yt^SftX '°U™h "» WhenCTer a WardeQ i 8 Called 0n to fo™» «y fecial -turn^totnLm I have, &c, - W. GISBORNE.

No. 3. Deputy-Superintendent of Auckland to Hon. Colonial Secretary. g IR Superintendent's Office, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your iltlf^M ffM^^M relative to the order and supply of Goldfields returns J ' the Bth mstant > I have, &c, Joseph May, ' ; _____ Deputy-Superintendent.