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D.—No. 11

12. When the Corporation shall have paid any of the said Principal Notes, either upon giving notice as aforesaid, or upon or after the due date thereof, the amount of principal paid shall be taken as a payment in advance of the purchase money thereafter payable for land sold under the said Regulations ; and thenceforth, upon sale of any such land, the Colonial Treasurer shall take, in lieu of cash payment, an order of the Corporation, or their Agent, requiring a Crown Grant to be issued to a purchaser therein named, and shall debit the Corporation with the amount against the purchase money so paid in advance, and so on until the same is exhausted, when payment in cash shall again be required, and so toties quoties. 13. As often as any of the said land is sold in accordance with the said Regulations, and the purchase money is paid otherwise than tyy such order as in the last preceding clause mentioned, one or more Principal Note or Notes shall be cancelled either wholly or in part as the case may require; and as and when the subsequent Interest Notes fall due, the Colonial Treasurer shall provide for payment of a part of such notes at the Bank where they fall due, equal to interest on the amount so paid off, calculated from the time of payment of the purchase money at the rate of seven per cent, interest per annum for the year ending April first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and afterwards at the rate of seven and a half per centum, per annum. 14. Whenever any Principal Note or Interest Note is required to be cancelled wholly or in part, and is not in the possession of the Colonial Treasurer, it shall be sufficient if an undertaking by the Colonial Treasurer to cancel such note, wholly or in part as the case may require, or to provide for paying the same wholly or in part as the case may be, be delivered to the Corporation or their Agent. The Principal Notes to be cancelled shall be selected from such class as the Corporation shall think fit. 15. The said land shall be surveyed internally by and at the cost of the Corporation. All such surveys shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Surveyor for the Province of Wellington, or other officer performing the duties at present performed by him ; and, until approved, shall be deemed incompleted : Provided that such approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or refused without sufficient cause. The outside boundaries of the ,said land shall be surveyed by and at the cost of the Provincial Government of the Province of Wellington, or otherwise free of cost to the Corporation. All surveys already made and to be made shall be the property of the Corporation. 16. Every purchaser of land under the said Regulations shall be entitled to a Grant from the Crown of the land upon the Corporation paying the purchase money and the purchaser paying the usual fees for the Grant. The Government of the Colony shall not be answerable for any delay in issuing Grants arising from incompleteness in surveys. 17. When all the said Principal Notes and Interest Notes shall have been paid or cancelled, and all interest thereon, and all sums of money herein declared payable as stipulated damages, shall have been paid, the Corporation shall be entitled to a Grant from the Crown of so much of the said land as shall remain unsold (after providing for all those persons who may be or become entitled to purchase any of the said land under the said Regulations and for roads), without an} r payment, except the usual fees upon the Grant. All roads constructed by the Corporation or otherwise in the Settlement shall be public roads, and the soil thereof shall remain vested in the Crown, except tramways or railroads constructed solely by and at the expense of the Corporation and without any pecuniary aid from the Government, which shall be the property of the Corporation. 18. The Corporation shall place upon the land set apart under this Agreement, hereinafter called "The Settlement'" at least two thousand emigrants before the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Not less than one hundred of the number shall be placed on the Settlement during the year ending on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and not less than two hundred in any one of the succeeding years. 19. Every emigrant shall be approved by the Agent-General for the time being for New Zealand in the United Kingdom, and shall sail from some port in the United Kingdom ; and no emigrant not so approved shall be deemed an emigrant within the meaning of these presents. 20. The Governor shall provide passages in suitable ships, from the port of shipment in the United Kingdom to the Settlement, for all such immigrants, with their personal effects, if such passage cost no more than fifteen pounds for each emigrant: any excess above that sum shall be paid- by the Corporation. 21. If the Corporation shall find suitable ships for conveying such emigrants, the Governor shall pay to the Corporation, passage money at the then current rates of passage for emigrants, not exceeding in any case fifteen pounds for the whole passage of One emigrant, from the port of shipment to the Settlement; and all emigrants introduced by the Corporation shall be provided with suitable barrack accommodation and provisions during two days after arrival in Wellington. 22. The Governor shall provide employment for each able-bodied male emigrant upon some public or other works in or within ten miles of the Settlement, at such rates of pajrment as will enable each emigrant to earn at least one pound by four days labour in each week: Provided that the Governor shall not be bound to find employment for more than two hundred such, able-bodied emigrants at one time, nor to employ any such emigrant for more than one year; and if a greater number of such emigrants than the Governor is hereby required to find employment for, such as shall require employment, their priority shall be determined by the Corporation. 23. Until the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, the Corporation shall have, free of charge, the use of two trucks each way every week along so much of the tramway from Foxton to the Settlement as shall be open for traffic, at such times as the Governor shall from time to time direct, and subject to the general regulations for the management of traffic thereon, the Government of the Colony finding tbe motive power. 24. If a less number in all than one hundred emigrants shall be placed by the Corporation upon the said Settlement before the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, or if the total number of emigrants placed by the Corporation upon the said Settlement during any subsequent year, up to and inclusive of the year ending the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, shall be less than two hundred, and if the total number of emigrants which shall have been so placed during the period ending on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred