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G:—No. 8


2. That the University of Otago is justly entitled to a share of the Colonial appropriation, in proportion to the population of the Province. 3. That as the said University has been established, and i3 for the benefit of the Province of Otago as now constituted, the land set apart in the late Province of Southland, extending to 10,000 acres, should be considered as part of the endowments of the said University, and ought not to be diverted for the use of the University of New Zealand. 4. That the report of the Council of the University of Otago laid before this Council be printed, and that His Honor the Superintendent be requested to furnish a copy thereof to each member of the General Assembly. That the thanks of this Council are due to the Council of the University of Otago for the stand they have taken in upholding the interests of the Provincial University, and for their efficient endeavours in filling the professional chairs. (Provincial Solicitor.) Passed the Provincial Council, 12th July, 1871, nem. con. Chas. Smith, Clerk of Council. John L. Gillies.

No. 34 The Hon. Mr. Gisbobne to His Honor Mr. Macandbew. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib, — AVellington, 14th August, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th of July, enclosing a copy of a set of resolutions, adopted by the Provincial Council of Otago, relating to the Otago University, and calling the special attention of the Government to the third resolution, which claims, as an act of justice, the devotion to the Otago University of the ten thousand (10,000) acres of land set aside in the late Province of Southland for the purpose of the New Zealand University. Tour Honor's letter, and its enclosure, will, as well as other correspondence on the subject of the New Zealand University, be laid before Parliament on an early day after the opening of the Session. I have, Ac, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Gisbobne.