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these, in order to enable me, in conformity with the directions of the Council, to take preliminary steps with a view to their utilization. With regard to the town sections in the County of Westland, I cannot find in the Gazette any notice of tho particular pieces of land which have been set apart, and I would suggest, in case the description of them should be in the hands of the G overmnent, that they should be gazetted at once, as this would at least enable the Council to enter into preliminary negotiations for letting them. I observe that there are 354 acres in the Province of Auckland (Parish of Kaipara), purchased from Mr. Thompson. I presume that the title to this land is complete, and that therefore there will be nothing to prevent its being let at once. I should be greatly obliged if you would inform me as to this point, and furnish me with a description of the land. , ■ In those cases where the land originally intended for the University cannot be obtained, it is very desirable that new reserves should at once be particularly defined, and grants issued as soon as possible. I have, Ac, Henbt John Tancbed, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Chancellor. Wellington.

No. 32. Hon. Mr. Gisbobne to Mr. Tanceed. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib,— Wellington, 31st July, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th of June, upon the subject of the lands set apart as endowments for the New Zealand University, and requesting that those lands may, in order to their more effective and immediate utilisation for the purposes for which they are reserved, be conveyed to the University. In reply, I have the honor to refer you to "the " University Endowment Act, 1888 ;" from the 7th and Bth sections of which, you which perceive that the reserves already, or hereafter to be, made for endowment of the New Zealand University, are to remain vested in the Crown, and subject to the management and administration of the Governor in Council. The Act also provides how the proceeds of such lands shall be dealt with. I have, Ac, H. J. Tancred, Esq., W. Gisbobne. Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Christchurch,

No. 33. His Honor Mr. Macandbew to the Hon. Mr. Gisbobne. Superintendent's Office, Sib,— Dunedin, 24th July, 1871. I have the honor to forward herewith resolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Otago relative to the Otago University. I have to call the attention of the Government specially to resolution 3, which sets forth the justice of applying for the benefit of the Otago University the 10,000 acres of land, set aside in the late Province of Southland for the purpose of a New Zealand University. This request is so manifestly reasonable, that I do not anticipate any difficulty in its being complied with. I may observe that the probable effect of the 10,000 acres in question being added to the estate of the Otago University, will be the endowment of a fifth Professorship, most likely a Chair of Medicine and Anatomy, and the establishment of a medical school in connection with Dunedin Hospital. I have, Ac, J. Macandbew, The Hon. Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent. Enclosure to No. 33. (No. 77, Superintendent.) Otago Univeesitt. That whereas the efforts of the Council of the University of Otago, to carry through amalgamation with the University of New Zealand upon an equitable basis, consistent with due regard to the important trust confided to the said Council, have not been successful: and whereas the University of Otago is at present endowed exclusively from Provincial revenue, and there is a considerable amount of the Colonial revenue appropriated to the support of Universities in the Colony, this Council is of opinion:— 1. That the action of the Council of the University of Otago, in protecting and maintaining the rights and privileges entrusted to their care is highly satisfactory, and such as merits the cordial approval of this Council and the people generally.